Monday, May 15, 2023

A Change Would Do You Good

It has been weeks since we found out that there would be changes happening and the day has finally arrived. Imminent, inevitable, unavoidable, it’s something which we were hoping would not happen and were even given assurance wouldn’t take place but somehow some people decided to pursue it for the sake of someone so now it has happened. When I first heard about it, I wasn’t happy. I was a bit apprehensive and worried which is normal. Then I told myself that I should have faith in Allah and trust that everything will work out. After all, Allah knows best.

Another change I’ve observed over time is of myself. I find that I’m not as quick to lose my temper as before, that I try to see the good in situations instead of jumping to conclusions, I try to think things through and not get emotional immediately, and I try to be thankful for the little things. Which are all signs of me either being more matured and wiser (really?) and are good anyway. Oh, I still lose my temper every now and then and there was a time recently when I felt this perpetual anger inside me, but I do not lose it as easily and as quickly as before. All good and well for my blood pressure and general health, I’m sure. I don’t know if it means I’ve mellowed down but I think if there’s anything positive about the pandemic, it’s that it taught me to value and prioritise my mental health. After all, there are other more serious things (such as life threatening, or life-or-death issues) to be upset about.