Friday, July 16, 2021

It's A Struggle

A lot of people find it a struggle trying to survive these days.

Some people lost hope and decided to end their lives.

Some have to resort to begging, while others to stealing. Previously, shoplifters and thieves stole high-value items but now people shoplift fish, vegetables, and bread to name a few.

Some struggle with office work, housework and caring for their children, spouse or elderly parents.

Some struggle to stay sane.

Some struggle to survive staying locked up at home with an abuser.

Some struggle to learn, gain knowledge or educate themselves either due to lack of devices or poor network coverage.

Some have to go to work and expose themselves to risk of contracting Covid.

Some are burnt out and overworked.

Hospitals are full and operating beyond capacity. The doctors and nurses have to choose who to save first.

And yet, and yet.

We still have world class idiots in power.

51 weeks ago, my family and I were lucky enough to be able to go to Port Dickson (not even Paris!) and 51 weeks later, we’re stuck in limbo.

It’s a struggle trying to be optimistic in the face of all these and the never-ending lockdown with the end nowhere in sight. Ya Allah, please have mercy on us and help us remove all these incompetent Covidiots from office, ameen.


I was surprised but happy when I saw on IG last Friday that Isetan had reopened its stores (not just the Foodmarket). I headed to Isetan KLCC during lunch on the same day and happily browsed the deserted store (I was the only customer at the first floor). There were fewer sales assistants as some stay in lockdown areas and were unable to travel to work. I got to chatting with the friendly Floor Manager and she told me they were happy to reopen the stores as they missed meeting and interacting with customers too. She also said that even her elderly mother also felt it stifling to stay home all the time. We are only humans, we crave and starve for human contact and interaction. I told her this is the best time to shop for anything as the shopping malls are empty. Alas, on Saturday evening, I saw the IG story that the other Isetan departments have been temporarily closed again. Sigh. That sure didnt last long. I guess browsing at groceries will be the extent of my retail therapy for now.