Thursday, September 12, 2019

If You Can't Stand The Heat, Get Out Of The Kitchen

Alhamdulillah, I have been blessed with the rezeki and some time to go explore a new place (or revisit places I’d been to before). When I choose to visit a place, there are a few factors that I take into account: the length of time I can be away (and the arrangement I have to make of late with regards to dad), the destination, the sights/activities that the destination offers, ground transportation, weather, etc. I also search if there are any UNESCO World Heritage Sites within the vicinity that I can visit and how I can get from one place to another. Of course I also consider the language barrier but it’s usually at the bottom of my list of concerns, and even below safety in the destination. It's not that I don’t consider or think language barrier important enough but I believe we can always try to communicate - by sign language, by drawing, by imitating, acting out etc, instead of just verbally.

I don’t make my travel plans to make things easy for me. Sure, as far as possible, I would love everyone to be able to speak English so that it’ll be easy for me to communicate but of course that’s not how things work in real life. It would be great and ideal to have things fall into place, to have people bending over backwards trying to help me, to receive a kind word, gesture, smile and welcome, but that’s not how things happen. Shit happens, even in our daily life and what more in a foreign land. If I want to have it easy, I should just travel to English-speaking countries or countries that speak English well like Scandinavian countries. Why should I knowingly place myself into difficulty and struggle to even communicate? But I don’t think like that and don’t want to. If I am not prepared to put up with the hassle, then Id best just stay at home. If I want to have an easy comfortable life then I should just stay home and be in a warm cocoon like a frog under a coconut shell instead of exploring the world and discovering what it has to offer and what Allah has created for us to enjoy, admire, learn from and be amazed with His grace and creations. Sure I have been known and have indeed lost my precious temper a few times while travelling when I get frustrated with the locals, when I have been treated unfairly due to my religion (I have been asked a few times to take off my scarf before going through the security process at airports and prevented from allowing a temple in Sri Lanka), when I was asked to move places just because I was a foreigner to make place for some locals but I try to communicate and engage with the locals despite the language barrier. Otherwise, why bother travelling at all if I prefer to remain in my comfort zone? Why put myself into trouble and make that extra effort of research? No one put a gun at my hand, no one forced me to go to certain countries and I made the decision to travel on my own. I make my bed and I should be prepared to lie in it. Just like everything else, I must hope for the best, be prepared for the worst and have faith that Allah will help me

If at all, I’m more worried and concerned about being subjected to religious discrimination/intolerance/prejudice and being attacked/mugged/robbed while abroad. But hey it can happen even in Malaysia and I have been a victim too. For this, I shall leave my affairs to Allah.