Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Having A Kit Kat/Time Out

If only what I’m going to share today is Sweet Like Chocolate or as catchy as the song. While it is somewhat bitter like dark chocolates, this does not give me comfort, pleasure or satisfaction. Rather, it’s as annoying as those Daim chocolates that get stuck in your teeth.

We’re having a break because you want it. And while I felt I didn’t have much say in it, I reluctantly agreed because I don’t want you to say later on that I wasn’t understanding of your need, that I had refused to give you this break, that I stood in your way, that I denied your request, that I didn’t respect your decision. Far be it from me to stop you from doing what you think you need to.

It is probably what we both need anyway. A breathing space, some time apart, some timeout, never mind that we hardly spend any time together to begin with (but if so, why do I feel weepy and down?).

And while this person said that there are benefits to be spending time apart, I’m pretty sure that in most cases, taking a break is just delaying the inevitable breakup.

There are ground rules including a reasonable time frame (experts say six months is a break up, not a break) and a date be set to check in and reassess. Well, I won’t wait forever. No one in their right mind would want to anyway and it’s not right to expect your significant other to wait and wait. If you still need time to grow, then maybe you were never ready for the relationship in the first place.

Give me Cadbury’s Time Out or Nestle’s Kit Kat any day hey.