I’m on a rant here so can I just mention that I dislike people who keep moaning about their weight but not doing anything about it. They moan and they groan about putting on, about not being able to shed any kg off or maintaining their weight, about not being able to stick to their diet... you get what I mean I hope. Some even have to keep buying new clothes because the old ones no longer fit.
The thing is most of them complain about their weight and about achieving that ideal weight (whatever ideal is) in one minute but in the next, stuff themselves up. Look, I try to understand your problem. Not everyone has a high metabolism which is something you can’t control anyway. But we all have will-power that we can control or at least try very hard to. Don’t moan about putting on when you don’t stop yourself from consuming unhealthy food. Don’t complain about having to invest in new clothes when you don’t try or aren’t trying your hardest to shed the excess kg off. It can be a struggle having to lose weight especially if you’re trying to do it alone. So try to do it with a friend or an online buddy, have a food or exercise journal (real or online), set a goal and try to achieve it. Cut down gradually and then stop consuming fatty foods altogether. Read up about diets and decide which is the best for you, which will work best for you, and which will help you stay lean. Yes, I know it’s always easier said than done – but then again, almost everything in life is easier said than done, isn’t it? But it’s also so much easier to just give up and moan about it. And in the meantime, you’re not doing yourself any favour at all.
Do you get agitated about your age? Or about aging? Do you feel your age? Do you feel age hinders your ability to do something or that you should stop doing something/start doing it differently?
Mummy used to say that there were things she could not do because of her age. I disagreed with her – I still disagree with this line of thinking – and told her so, reasoning that we are only as old as we feel. I hate it when people blame their inability to do something or the reason why they stop doing something is because of their age. Most of the time, it’s not because you could not do it but because you don’t want to do it. And I also hate it when people say things like they are lazier now that they are older. To me, it’s a bit too convenient to blame it on age.
Look, we all age. Unless we are Benjamin Button, which unfortunately (or fortunately) we’re not, we all age. And of course, the body goes through wear and tear and slows down from doing things. Even our metabolism slows down, our hair falls out, our waist lines grow, our energy levels go down, etc etc – all because of the joys and grief of aging. I’m not saying we don’t/won’t age but we should just stop blaming everything on age because aging is a natural process.
And yes, I do worry about aging. I’m a vain girl after all and I worry about lines and wrinkles. But hey, when you think about it, they are a part of our life’s journey, aren’t they? I’m amazed that some guys like to have lines (Chris Evans, the new Captain America, and even Cesc at 24, have some on their foreheads).
My take is this: Don’t. Don’t blame everything on age. Don’t stop doing anything/something because of age. Don’t use age as a convenient excuse to stop doing or not do something. And don’t let anyone stop you from doing something because of your age (unless you’re an underage, where you definitely cannot drink or have sex; or an octogenarian, where you definitely should not consider doing anything too adventurous).
I don’t feel my age. That’s not to say I would happily tell anyone how old I am. But I don’t want to let age stop me from doing things unless forced otherwise (e.g. age restriction for certain jobs). I feel young. I want to act young. And I don’t like to be told to act my age or to be told that I should stop (mis)behaving because of my age. (People should start considering dressing their age once they’ve hit past a certain age though; I can’t imagine a sixty-year old woman in hot pants or skinny jeans).
Episode 817: The highs and the lows
1 hour ago