Friday, April 01, 2011

The Next Best Thing

I was watching a documentary just before the last World Cup that showcased travelling fans (including those who travelled on land to South Africa from Europe. They sure demonstrated such extraordinary commitment and I really admire this) when I wondered out aloud how the supporters could afford to attend World Cup. How did they afford the time? They can’t all get a five-week summer holidays surely. And how did they afford the trip from their country to the World Cup host country and to all the different venues in different cities?

In fact, one of my mates was sending me text messages when I was in Europe last year and when I finally returned, she asked if I was in Africa. I replied in the affirmative, wondering how she knew I went to Morocco. Turned out she thought I was in South Africa (I wish!) not realising that the World Cup only kicked off later that month (in her defence, she’s not a footie fan but I suspect she’s amused at my obsession). I told her that yes I was in Africa but the northern part and that I wish I could afford to go to South Africa let alone the World Cup. In one of the few matches I watched, I wondered out aloud to Mummy how those fans get to go to the World Cup. How envious I was of them and how I wished I was also able to afford the time and money to attend one of the world’s biggest events. And how one fine day I hope I’ll be one of those spectators watching one of the World Cup matches right in front of my eyes instead of via satellite. But the next World Cup hosts are Brazil (what? Fly around the world for that?), Russia (not so soon) and Qatar (the summer heat-wave! Spare me).

A fortnight ago, as I was having dinner, I mentally calculated when the London Olympic 2012 would kick off. It was 500 days to the London Olympic on the Ides of March so I counted and after dinner, checked the website. And guess what, I got the date right, right to the day. Alas, it would be from 27 July to 12 August 2012, yes, alas. For it would be right smack in Ramadan then. I checked the prayer calendar and it looks like it would be an 18.5-hour fasting day (well, it’ll be summer anyway). I highly doubt I’m prepared mentally or physically to fast that long. Sure it’s not as if I’d be participating in any event as I’ll just be a mere spectator but still, it’ll be draining. It means I only have 5.5 hours to recharge myself, rest and relax, perform ibadah and sleep. So there goes my Olympic dream then. Oh, if you must know, the next Olympic host city is Rio. I don’t think I want to fly around the world just for that. Not unless I marry someone wealthy.

So it looks like no Olympic or Paralympics Games for me - or even Catalympic if there’s one ;'( I shall resort to doing my own event then ;p

OK, the Olympic is off so I turned my attention to Euro 2012. The tournament will be held from 8 June to 1 July 2012 (outside Ramadan) and hosted by Poland and Ukraine. Poland? I had been pick-pocketed in Warsaw before so I am still a bit sore with that city. Ukraine? Well, Malaysians need visa to enter the country. So it looks like Euro 2012 is a no-go either.

Still undeterred, I even checked the host for the next Commonwealth Games. It’s Glasgow 2014 and the Games will be held from 23 July to 3 August 2014. Uh oh, it’s still Ramadan then, the tail-end of it. So there goes the Commonwealth Games 2014. How about the Rugby World Cup? It’s an autumn event. Oh, the 2011 host is New Zealand (I’ve been there) and 2015 host is... England! But I have to wait that long for the tournament?!

I was tweeting my mates about all these (someone even suggested Sochi 2014; the location is appealing as it’s by the Black Sea) and finally hit on the next best idea. OK, the best AWESOME idea. And it was well-received and more importantly, more affordable and more attainable/achievable compared to the rest. Let’s hope everything works out now. And what is it, you ask? I’d love to let you know but I have this paranoia about sharing my travel plans before I actually travel. But hey you are free to take a guess ;)

P.S. Adek must admit that she didn’t attend the Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur back in 1998. And she has yet to attend any F1 event, even those at Sepang. She was in Barcelona during one F1 weekend and that, including the racing cars on exhibition in the city, was as close she got to F1.


Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the death of Arsenal legend, David Rocastle ‘Rocky’. I don’t know him as much as I should so I’ll let you read other bloggers’ account of him. RIP Rocky. The official site has a tribute to him, a photo gallery and a profile of him.