Monday, October 11, 2010

My 10.10.10 Weekend

I was in Cherating during the weekend. We drove off after work on Friday evening and managed to reach the resort at a quarter to 10. Heck, we even changed rooms because the occupants of the room adjoining the first room were a bit noisy. I was too knackered from the day and the journey that I didn’t even want to have dinner or supper.

My baby, meanwhile, was in Capri during the weekend
Another picture. Not a very great pose, love

I woke up early on Saturday (yes, why do I always get up early when I’m on a little holiday?) and took a stroll along the beach. There wasn’t much of a sunrise to enjoy and there were very few people about – despite the resort hosting a family day for some organisation. Even the pools were deserted. I spent an hour along the beach looking for seashells and enjoying the solitude.

There was no hottie playing footie (wow, that rhymes!) at the beachI did hang around the pool for a brief while and chatted to the pool boy. No, I didn’t ask for his number
I left soon after as the pool was deserted and devoid of hotties like this
No one as hunk as this was sunbathing either

We drove off to Chukai on Saturday after a breakfast of nasi dagang (served with liberal spoonfuls of spicy gravy) and despite the size of the town, managed to part with money. We even went for reflexology and I was pleased that I didn’t feel much pain this time. Alhamdulillah. Hopefully it means that except for some minor problems, my other limbs and organs are fine and well. We left after a late lunch (made even later when the stall got our orders wrong) and stopped at Geliga to purchase some fish sausages and fish crackers. It really wasn’t a day successfully wasted altogether.

We rested and had planned to go out after evening prayers to check out a night market. The dark clouds that had started hovering earlier and the distant rumbles of thunders got blacker and louder as it approached dusk and it got so dark that we didn’t know if it was already dusk. For some reason though, we didn’t really hear the heavy rain; the walls must be soundproof against the elements (though not soundproof against noises from adjoining rooms). We braved the heavy rain and went to check the small night market (just next to the mosque about a km away from the resort) and had dinner at a restaurant across the street. The rain continued well after 10 pm.

I had arranged with the hotel for a masseuse to come early on Sunday morning and she showed up on time. Had a good massage (she’s better than a lot of other masseuses that I’ve had before) and that worked my appetite, heh. We packed, brought our bags to the car and went off to find breakfast. Then we returned back to the hotel and checked out.

I wish I have my own personal masseuse. Oh, and can I be your masseuse, Cesc? ;)
It was an uneventful drive back, thank God, and we reached the city after 2 pm.

* All photos shamelessly nicked from Cesc and LOL Cats