Friday, February 05, 2010

World Cancer Day

Yesterday was the World Cancer Day. The international campaign launched on World Cancer Day 2007 ‘Today’s children, tomorrow’s world’ is a five-year programme aimed to raise awareness about the ways we can prevent cancer through the choices we make.

Cancer can be prevented too. This year’s World Cancer Day’s theme focuses on how the risk of developing cancer can significantly be reduced through simple measures to curb or prevent tobacco use, alcohol consumption, sun exposure, maintain healthy weight and added protection against cancer causing infections. We all owe it to ourselves to live an active and healthy life.

Oh and yellow is the international colour for the fight against cancer. Coincidentally, I was wearing an orangey yellow jacket blouse yesterday.

I’m sure we all know someone close to us who was/is a cancer victim. I lost my half-sister to cancer more than two decades ago (from her maternal side; her late mother died of cancer too) and might now lose one of my half-brothers to the disease (from his self-indulgence).

Some of you may have received a cancer update supposedly from John Hopkins. Well, it’s a hoax. The responses from Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center (official name so won’t change it) experts can be found here.

Remember, we can prevent cancer through the choices we make.


I’ve been receiving calls from hotels and resorts offering free nights’ stay, usually on the condition that either I sit through a presentation with my partner (the usual trick of time-sharing companies) or bring my partner along when collecting the voucher. Well, how could I bring my partner when he’s not even in the region? I told the last person who called me that this policy is discriminatory to single people. Well, it is. And he didn’t have an answer except that it’s a family room. Well, I do have a family too. And even if I don’t, I can always offer it to my sister or a mate. So why have the policy in the first place?