Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Girl

I've been feeling blah for the past couple of months. And lately, my moodiness has given way to mood-lessness.

I don't know which is better, feeling and being moody or feeling mood-less.

Feeling/being moody means either I feel strongly about something and that something is bothering me or my Emotions are doing yo-yo [Sometimes PMS is the culprit] and playing havoc with my thoughts and feelings in turn.

Feeling mood-less means I just can't be or feel bothered or excited or enthusiastic about work anymore. I feel indifferent. Numb. Couldn't care less. Can't be bothered. In short, mood-less.

Maybe 'cause I really don't care anymore.

But is this good? Somehow, I don't think so. I'd rather be caring or passionate about something. And yes, I'd rather be emotional too than being indifferent. Being indifferent feels like I'm devoid of feeling.

Golly, now I sound like I'm emotional for being mood-less!

I need a break, I do. The thing is, I just got back from an official trip so going off again shortly after my return wouldn't look too good.

No matter how badly or desperately I need it.

And besides, a trip would require dosh. Heck, even going for retail therapy requires money, what more a trip! [And especially after Yesterday's purchase - and no, I shall not elaborate about that here!]


Besides finding relief in reading my book, reciting the Quran and performing prayers, my celluloid pick-me-up is (yet another) Korean drama. Yes, this sucker for Korean dramas is now glued to My Girl.

It stars the very dishy and gorgeous Lee Dong Wook and the pretty Lee Da Hae. For synopsis, check this out.

Here are some pictures of Lee Dong Wook which I've shamelessly nicked from the wonderful world wide web. For more pictures, go here. Now, don't you agree that he's suchhh a dreamboat?