Was at HQ during the weekend for soul pampering and increase-thy-weight activity campaign. The latter means 'Mummy, feed me 'cause your poor (not so) little daughter is a semi-vegetarian when she goes back to her current residence.' Heh. I really was stuffing myself Mad over the weekend with home-cooked meals, except on Sunday, when I took Mummy Shopping at Isetan. A good time was had [doubt my plastic appreciates the swiping though, heh] and we had a light lunch there too to cap our Shopping expedition [where I ended up finishing Mummy's meal, tsk tsk tsk]. But the haze that greeted our exit from KLCC was definitely not a welcomed sight. That was Bad.
It was my parents' anniversary on Saturday. I found myself wondering how, where and when they met. See, I'm sure they hardly met before marrying! And here I am, with all the modern technology at my disposal and yet I'm a classic example of a Failure To Launch. Oh well, there must be a reason for it.
Yesterday morning, I flew off the handle when my staff kept referring things to me which I deem as petty and trivial. I must be failing in my duty if I fail to impress upon her that she should do what she thinks is right, without checking with me every time. Why can't she exercise her own judgement call? I handled it in true Adek style: I stomped off and stormed out of the office. Sheesh, must learn to control my temper. Yes, maybe I am Dangerous To Know after all [and probably that's why the male population shies away from me].
Oh and she's constantly checking something with me. The latest thing she asked is not trivia, it's quite important but hardly urgent now. No, not when there are many more other pressing issues at hand. Why can't she see that? Now I like to think that I'm a Theory Y manager and I don't like to breathe down people's neck to check up on their progress 'cause I so hate it when people do it to me [luckily for me, I've usually had autonomy when it comes to my work]. I've communicated such to them and hence do not understand why people need to keep referring to me for the slightest thing. It doesn't amuse me, it just downright annoys me big time and irks me to no end.
And I can't stand it when people volunteer to do so many things - especially when they can't even begin to finish their work-in-progress! I told her this: look, let's not bite off more than we can chew. 'Cause if something undesirable happens, well, I don't fancy cleaning the mess.
Have been gorging myself silly the past few days. Yes, I can eat like a champ at times and other times, I just feel full and can look at food without interest. Maybe I should bring over some chocolates currently residing in my fridge to The Office. But I don't want to share them, dammit. [Adek can be such a selfish brat at times and she especially doesn't want/like/fancy sharing chocolates with colleagues. Brat brat brat]. And sharing those chocs may run counter to my increase-thy-weight campaign. Oh, and you know what, Sometimes when I am in my foul mood, I visualise myself biting someone when I take a bite into the oh-so-lovely bar. Yes, I'm Crazy like that.
A friend showed me a prayer which to be effective, necessitates me to do something I've never dreamt I'd be doing in a million years. So I made some checking and researching [as usual] and am satisfied that it is doesn't contravene Islamic teachings - if fact it's OK - if done with the right intention so it's not some dodgy, fancy, hogwash, nonsense ritual. And let me make this clear, I may be confused and confusing but I would not sacrifice my beliefs or engage myself in funny practices that may cast doubts on my iman. [And mind you, I've sent emails to various MNCs seeking clarification on the ingredients they use in their food products just to make sure the allegations I received have any ring of truth in them. And I will continue to do so if only to ensure and satisfy myself that what I consume is of halal origin.]
But still I couldn't help wondering if things have gone so Bad that I have to resort to this measure, this 'alternative treatment'. Was feeling down when I got back to My Own Private Idaho after work Yesterday but a mate assured me that this alternative treatment is actually quite common and offered by spas. So maybe I'll try it out. And why not? It's not like I have anything to lose... except that maybe I'm Going Slightly Mad... [with work!] to even be contemplating it in the first place!
But hey consider this: Almighty Allah tells us in verse 11 of Surah Ar-Raad [The Thunder]: 'Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people 'til they change that which is in themselves.'
Just finished reading a not-so-recent edition of The Edge. According to this article, Asians apparently are the world's greatest shoppers [so tell me something I don't already know]. Must share it with DoctorJones and assure him I'm actually quite normal! [Yes, despite the title of this blog entry]. No, don't blame me, I'm only influenced, moulded and shaped by my environment!
Or maybe I am truly like how Lady Caroline Lamb described her lover Lord Byron: Mad, Bad and Dangerous To Know - but in different meanings/context of course - not to mention a brat.
Arsecast Extra Episode 625 – 10.02.2025
3 hours ago