Friday, April 01, 2022

Step By Step

My alma mater is celebrating its 75th year this year (Diamond Jubilee) and there are activities lined up. After the logo designing competition at the end of 2021, we have the Jom 75k Steps which runs throughout the whole of March. Proceeds go to association fund for charity.


My friend was busy persuading us to participate. I was undecided at first then finally decided to participate. I had my own targets: to reach 75k within the first week, 100k steps after 10 days, 150k steps by 15 March and at least 300k steps by month-end. Some of us met up during weekends to walk together at the Lake Garden and Putrajaya. I just concentrated on my own individual walk. It helps that I go to the office almost daily because working from home will definitely not generate enough steps for me.


We were in fourth place for some time and one day, we overtook the team in third place and later the same day, we even leapfrogged the team which had resolutely been in second. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long and we dropped back to third place within a week. And at one point, we even dropped back to fourth place but we fought back. It was a daily ritual for us to check BiiB to see how our team was faring. We gave encouragement to each other, we even pressured each other to do more. We were kiasu. Alas, in the end, we could not get ourselves from fourth spot.


Oh, we had our challenges. Some of our walkers succumbed to Covid. Some had knee problems, some had diarrhoea, and I have my own problems, concerns and worries over dad. I still tried my best and wish I could do more. I managed 373k steps a bit more. Couldn’t quite reach 375k steps, alas.


So glad it’s over as it means I don’t have to carry my phone every day and all the time. I had never been so attached to my phone as I was in March!

