Tuesday, January 02, 2018

The Year That Was: 2017

2017 was another year that started slow enough but sped along somewhere along the way and before I knew it, the year was almost gone. It was another year full of challenges, trials and tribulations, sweat and tears, and at times testing, tiring and trying. As usual, the headlines focused on natural catastrophes and disasters, calamities, displacements, tragedies, the continuing senseless war in Syria, starvation in Yemen, war against IS and terrorism, and the debate over global warming (it’s real, accept it and deal with it already!). There were also the news of the mass exodus of the Rohingyas, the uncovering of the sexual harassment and rape by Harvey Weinstein and the never-ending hilarious statements by the President of the U Ass if you care to be bothered to follow his tweets. We also have our own comedy right here involving money (lost but of course), poor governance and financial mismanagement. After all, those are what made the headlines: sensational, disturbing, shocking, mind-numbing news.

I continued following some accounts/pages on Twitter, IG and Facebook to have an idea of the world and its happenings but that’s about it. I’m hardly on FB otherwise. Alhamdulillah, I managed to equal my previous year’s reading total of 150 books and spent almost every night reading the Quran, especially Yassin for Mummy and those who had departed and a couple of other surahs. I would admit to stumbling from the straight and narrow every now and then and am continuing to be a better Muslimah.

I had to take more emergency leave as my dad’s health started failing which meant I took more leave compared to the year before. Alhamdulillah, I still managed to squeeze in some trips:

January: Had office teambuilding in Cherating during the third weekend then flew to Dubai via Cochin, India, on the first day of Chinese New Year before travelling overland to Oman
February: Came back from Oman and a few days later, spent Thaipusam weekend at Tanjong Jara Resort
March: Didn’t manage any trips
April: Spent a short weekend in Penang then flew out to Warsaw at month-end
May: Came back from Europe after brief pitstops in Paris and London
June: Didn’t manage to make any trip ;’(
July: Flew to Sydney to meet Arsenal
August: Didn’t manage to make any trip ;’(
September: Trip to Kota Bharu and returned to Pangkor Laut Resort
October: Trip to Singers
November: Day trip to Kuala Pilah
December: Year-end trip to Uzbekistan

Arsenal won the FA Cup again and as mentioned above, I flew to Sydney to meet them. But I’ve not been pleased with them thus far this season and have stopped being emotionally invested in them. After all, there are a lot of other things more important in life in the larger scheme of things anyway: death, life, good health, wealth, a strong iman, love. I do catch the occasional match but I have stopped following them as fervently as I used to.

I have continued cutting down on chicken and meat consumption but can’t quite stop eating junk food. I continued my morning walks and have even taking to jogging 4 km on every other Sunday. Whenever I do that, I feel like collapsing and throwing up but boy, does it feel so good after that. I walk an average 5 km daily (even more on weekends) and take short cat naps during lunchtime after some reading. I continue carrying my water bottle and shopping bags almost everywhere. I aim to shop only for quality brands now and not waste money on lower quality goods which won’t last long anyway. I want to eat healthily (save for the occasional junk food craving) and purchase food items just enough that I don’t run the risk of wasting them. I think even Jamie Oliver said it’s better to buy in small quantities if you’re cooking for a small number. Sure, it would be economical to buy in larger quantities but what’s the point if you’re going to end up wasting them? I also want to continue trying to be a responsible and environmentally-aware citizen of the earth and traveller.

Anyway, Happy New Year 2018. May this year bring us all much joy, happiness, love, iman, good health, wealth, success and prosperity, peace and good fortune. May we be strong enough to face come what may, insyaAllah and amen.