Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Without Limits

I had the opportunity to attend talk by Nick Vujicic yesterday and just want to share what I picked up at the talk fr Nick’s perspective (not in any particular order). You may have come across/realised some of the points before and may/not agree with him but I think it’s worth sharing:

It’s worse to be in a broken home than being born without limbs. Why? In a broken home, you have no hope and no love.

Hope is everything. From hope, one can draw strength and from strength, one can have purpose in life. No purpose = worthless life.

Purpose brings courage and overrides (and eliminates) fear. And if you have a purpose, despite fear and pain, you'll strive to reach your goals anyway.

Courage = doing something you’re afraid of.

Challenge your perspective and be thankful with what you have instead of concentrating on what you don't have.

Leverage on what you have, change what you can and accept what you can’t.

Don’t worry about influences (left or right field).

DON’T be disabled in mind and don’t be disabled by fear.

Embrace your life and vow not to waste one day of life.

You’ll never see your full potential until you reach it;
You’ll never reach your full potential unless you seek it.

3 major things:
1. Truth of your value
2. Truth of your purpose
3. Truth of your destiny

Your value is not determined by outward/material things

Don't underestimate your power in influencing others’ lives.

You’re here for a reason. You can make a positive influence on everyone else.

It’s you yourself who put a limit on your own limitations.

Change obstacles into opportunities.

You need courage not to win but to fail. Failure is an education (i.e. you learn from failure).

You may have failure but it doesn’t mean you’re a failure.

Nick’s beliefs:
1. Do it step by step
2. Dream BIG
3. Never give up

And last but not least, do your best and God will do the rest.