Yes, today's the day. I probably should've written this when the day entered its 6th hour and 6th minute but that time's wayyy too early and I'm usually still in bed ... but heck, it could be 0606 hours in another part of the world at the moment! Today's 060606 or what some call the Devil's Day.
It's amazing that some people can be superstitious about Numb3rs. There are triskaidekaphobes who consider the number 13 unlucky. I read that in Europe and the USA, very few buildings have a thirteenth floor, and many are the streets in England with the number '12a' in its stead. Chinese, on the other hand, consider number 4 as unlucky. Its pronunciation, romanised as si, is very close to that of the Chinese word for 'death'. And yes, there are hotels that do not have a fourth floor but renumbered as 3A instead. Even the US Highway 666 was renumbered in 2003 after controversy over the supposed reference to the Biblical beast. On the other extreme, some people are prepared to fork out good sum of money to pay for what they consider good mobile phone Numb3rs, vehicle registration Numb3rs, even house Numb3rs! Hmmm, perhaps lottery purchases are also somewhat influenced by beliefs? Anyway, check this out for the Numb3rs considered lucky or otherwise.
So, anyone here suffers from triskaidekaphobia or hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia? For the record, I'm neither superstitious (but am still glad I wasn't born in this month) nor am I a numerologist, as you can probably gather! But I am considering watching the remake of the horror classic The Omen, which interestingly is released today.
8 hours ago