Monday, February 20, 2006

The Weekend

The weekend started off with a visit to the travel agent to secure our tickets for this year's get away. Adek was nursing the beginnings of a headache/flu/cough so wasn't at all happy when told that paying the said ticket by MasterCard would be subject to 2% service fee. So there went our hopes of getting a pair of free tickets [if you charge to MasterCard, you may be lucky to get that] and off we went in search of a serviceable ATM. No way was I going to part with more money after the tickets [which generally cost more this time around for all destinations]. Almost fainted when I saw my unhealthy bank balance. Thankfully, Lin had some extra dosh and became my banker. Again.

After settling our account and asking a myriad of questions for Mummy's planned trip, we went off to PWTC for some health awareness exhibition and forum, which I thought was excellent. All that excitement of meeting old friends and talk on women's health, breast cancer, healthy aging and managing stress had me feeling really famished. After lunch, went for some check-up and browsed around the many booths before heading home.

In the meantime, my parents attended my cousin sister's engagement. The Big Day will be in April, insyaAllah. Am happy for her for having found jodoh at long last. She's turning 48 this year so I suppose there's still hope for the rest of us. As the future husband is a Datuk, she'll be an instant Datin with instant stepsons and stepdaughter-in-law. Anyway, I have confidence that she'll cope gracefully.

Was still feeling under the weather on Sunday and paid the doctor a visit but was apparently healthy enough not to be granted an MC despite feeling otherwise. So here I am... at work.

Hmmm, makes me wonder, how will I manage when I'm cut off the umbilical cord later? I do wonder what my parents really think when I told them I wanted to move out. Rejoice? Relief? Sad? A mix of emotions? I feel sad at leaving them but I can't put my life on hold anymore and continue keeping an eye on them [or is the other way around when I'm concerned?! They don't trust me a bit, and have paranoid fears about my safety] for I am also very worried about their wellbeing and what if something happens when I'm not around? Yet I must live my own life, but what if? Oh God, I only have You to turn to...