Friday, September 13, 2013


Spuds’ loss = Arsenal’s gain.

Ape boy will wear number 11 at Real Madrid. And Ozil who moved to Arsenal because of ape boy (among others) will wear number 11 at Arsenal.

By buying Ozil, Arsenal are indirectly financing part of Real Madrid’s purchase of ape boy.

Indirectly, we have Spastic to be thankful for, for his agitation and vying for a move back to Chelshit, which paved the way for Ancoletti to move from Paris to Madrid. And those moves led to footballing decisions, one of which led to Ozil feeling he had lost the transparency, trust and respect at Real Madrid. One thing led to another – including the now-famous phone call – and the rest, as they say, is history. And Real Madrid’s loss = Spuds’ loss = Arsenal’s gain. As Joachim Low put it, it is incomprehensible for Real Madrid to sell Ozil just to secure ape boy.

Anyway. Aren’t we glad that Wenger is a polyglot and has the powers of persuasion? Of course, other factors also influence the decision, not least of which is the World Cup next year. Whatever it is, it is the right move for Ozil, a fact echoed by Oliver Bierhoff, and he is now the most expensive German footballer. And a new life is breathed into Arsenal. Because Ozil is a Gunner, baby!!!

In life, we need the respect, trust, faith, love, confidence and transparency and if we don’t have these, it may be necessary to re-evaluate where we are and take necessary steps to make changes in our lives to regain them. Heck, if a successful professional footballer can feel insecure, what more us mere mortals.

Willkommen in Arsenal, Mesut Ozil!!!

P.S. I’m purposely dropping the umlaut in Ozil’s name (I should rightfully spell it as Oezil without the umlaut) because it somehow messes up with the posting of this entry (strange eh) and will do the same in future entries.