Today, I’m going to talk about respect and class, or rather, the lack of these two qualities from most Barcelona players (and I don’t mean only those on the Spanish squad. Here’s looking at you, Messi!).
This and this are evidences of an utterly classless, clueless, disrespectful, inconsiderate, insensitive joke/prank – and a stupid, ill-judged, disrespectful, egotistical, self-serving one it was too - pulled by Pique and Puyol, the top two (insert expletives) on my priority to-kill list. Spain won the World Cup but they made it all about Barcelona. Egoistical bastards, but of course they made it all about Barça, believing the sun shines only on and the whole world revolves around Nou Camp. Yes, Carlota, it was a joke but it is tasteless, classless and inconsiderate and shows a total lack of respect for Arsenal and Cesc not to mention pathetic. Seriously, like Martin put it, if someone puts on a Real Madrid or Chelsh*t or ManUre jersey on Puyol or Pique or Villa, would they have liked it?? And which part of the ‘Cesc is not for sale’ and Arsène’s snub don’t you morons understand anyway? Seriously, these classless Barcelona players were the ones who made it difficult for me to root for Spain at the World Cup and I’m beginning to detest their very existence. Classless? You bet. Remember them turning on the sprinklers when Internazionale were celebrating their win at Nou Camp in the Champions League just a few weeks ago? That absolutely reeked of spitefulness. Oh and not to mention the endless hint of how much they want Cesc at Barcelona despite the Arsenal Captain having a long-term contract there. Why don’t you just shove all these rumours up yours? And eff off. And while you’re at it, how about learning this one English word, here, let me spell it out for you loud and clear: R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
I’ll tell you what is classy though. Class is Cesc dedicating the win to Arsenal and its supporters. Class is when you defer celebrating with your classless team-mates to try cheer up van Persie, a fellow Gunner. Class is being embarrassed when your dastardly buggers of friends put on that jersey on you and wanting to take it off ASAP.