Thursday, November 06, 2008

Turkish Delight: Second Taste

Not so sweet this time. Chances were squandered while the injury list grows. And we host ManUre this weekend.

Scary indeed.


Americans voted for change and Barack Obama will be the first mixed race President of the US (and the first Democratic President from the north) Obama won 63.24 million votes and that was more that the total of any other presidential history. I listened to some of his victory speech and was mesmerised and captivated. He delivered the speech (and indeed his campaign) eloquently, confidently, and charmingly. He was able to transfix the audience, so powerful and commanding was his presence and so strong was his speech. Celebrations were held across the globe from Chicago to Paris to Kenya to Obama in Japan.

I was in Florida on a holiday when they held the recount two elections ago. As we know, the Supreme Court ruled for the recount to be stopped, Bush got the majority votes and the rest is history. But in this election, Florida has turned blue.

Obama would inherit an economy almost in recession (if not already there) and other legacies of his predecessor. A little trivia: 20 January has been Inauguration Day in the US since 1937.