I lost one of my anklets (yes, yet another one) on Friday and set about trying to locate it when I discovered it was missing. It had come undone a few times before but I was lucky as it happened either in the bathroom at home or in the office and I managed to recover it. Although I reported it immediately to the security and emailed my colleagues, I’m not sure if I’ll be as lucky this time. And he teasingly said he’d buy me a new one. Yeah, right. (Maybe one day I’ll blog about him. Maybe I won’t.)
What can I say, I’m a ditsy donna and I’m a champion when it comes to losing things.
I was ready to head home Saturday noon after a bit of retail therapy at Isetan when I decided to walk over to KM Oli (Isetan no longer carry any anklet at its jewellery department and the ones at Tomei didn’t appeal at all) reasoning I was in the neighbourhood anyway. KM Oli was however closed due to power failure and after calling the store manager who assured me the store would reopen after 2 pm, I retraced my steps back to KLCC for lunch and prayers. As my luck turned out, KM Oli was having a clearance sale. That should explain why my left hand was itching on Friday. *Sigh* Being ditsy sure is expensive.
I saw the new Pepsi ad later that evening. It has my Fàbregas in it too! To see the clip, go here or here. To see some pictures from the ad, go here. (And to see the ad ‘Shuffle’, go here or here - the latter is a bit blurred though).
In the ad, striker David Beckham is a dead ringer for Indiana Jones as he dons a fedora hat and a brown leather jacket - with his name and number 23 printed on the back. Beckham teams up with five of the world’s biggest football stars for the multimillion-pound advertisement i.e., Ronaldinho, Lionel Messi, Thierry Henry, Cesc Fàbregas and Frank Lampard. The dream team kicks the ball around a series of exotic locations, from the moon to China to ‘Nowhere’ beach.
The ad starts with Ronaldinho on a paradise beach kicking the ball about then in comes Messi who jumps and lands on the moon. Messi then kicks the ball while dodging cabs on the moon before passing it to a tuxedoed Thierry Henry who steps out of a cab on the grass-covered moon before kicking the Pepsi-themed ball into the Angkor Wat jungle for a waiting Indiana Jones-attired Beckham who then transformed into an Indiana Jones-attired Fàbregas. Fàbregas then jumps down, strums a guitar, gives a cute shrug (all together now: Ahhhh...) and knocks into a Pepsi sign. The ball reaches Frank Lampard who is seen wearing a kimono while in China (and eating too).
The team ends up on the remote ‘Nowhere’ beach - with Beckham handing out bottles of Pepsi to his dream team mates. Apparently, the Pepsi ad promotes a new social networking website ‘Youniverse’ that allows users to set up their own profile and compare their interests with the sporting champions.
What a cool advert, full of footie champs! (Note: there are no ManUre or even Liverpool players in the ad - because ManUre footie players are the ugliest on the face of earth - and moon).
I tell you, I’m a champ alright at champing and chomping.