You know and I know that I am impatient. And I do try to control my impatience. Funny, when I was in the Holy Land, I managed to control myself. I managed to remain calm and patient and controlled. But it wasn’t long after my return when I got impatient again. At the traffic. At slow, ambling people. At bawling kids. At myself for being impatient (is that an oxymoron?). Well, you get the idea. So let me tell you about my current impatience.
I am impatient and increasingly annoyed with some colleagues for being too noisy at work. They do like to talk at the top of their voices. At times, I feel like it’s no different from a market here. I really don’t know why they feel the need to talk loudly: is it to assert their importance, or their point, or do they just love hearing themselves speak? I can be loud too and have my own share of outbursts but in an office, surely you need to behave appropriately. And I can’t remember when I last heard so much Malay and particularly a certain dialect being spoken before. Heck, I don’t recall hearing so much Malay even at primary school because we spoke English to our non-Malay friends. I’m not a snob and I do speak Malay though I speak a lot more English (and even speak English with a mixture of Malay) but this is a totally new experience to me.
I am impatient and frustrated with the progress of the project I’m working on. It’s bad enough that I have to hit the ground running but there are outstanding issues that need to be tackled and I’m perplexed why things didn’t move before. It doesn’t help any that our boss can’t seem to make any decision and likes to change her mind. She also doesn’t want to deal with certain people leaving the others, us, to do it instead. She also has her priorities focussed on other less pressing matters. And to make things worse, the other person who is supposed to work with me has decided to pull out at the eleventh hour.
I am impatient and annoyed with some participants of The Amazing Race Asia like Terri and Sophie, who I feel are impatient and unsupportive of their partners. I’m also dismayed that siblings Azaria and Hendekea were eliminated from The Amazing Race. I like them. Oh, watching The Amazing Race has helped shattered my perception of goths among other things. They are actually very nice, pleasant people, despite their appearances. As usual, there is the bickering couple and this edition of The Amazing Race doesn’t disappoint: Jennifer and Nathan is that couple and I get annoyed watching Jennifer hurls her anger and frustration at Nate (and wonder if I’d do any better if I were in her shoes).
I am impatient and frustrated with the progress of Arsenal in the absence of Fàbregas just as he is impatient to return to play with Arsenal. I’m not looking forward to Arsenal’s meet with Chelshit this Sunday either. Not with Fàbregas being absent.
I am impatiently looking forward to this weekend and next to recover from work. There are only two weeks left to the New Year and yet work is at full swing and showing no sign of slowing down. On the shopping front, I haven’t been buying clothes for a while and am surprised myself with this fact. Maybe the financial diet I had to embark on for three months in July through to September has changed me. Or maybe the Year-End Sale hasn’t been too exciting. Oh well, that should be good news for my bank account balance, eh.
Have a good weekend peeps!
3 hours ago