She works hard for the money
So hard for it, honey
She works hard for the money
So you better treat her right
When I came in today, I had no idea that I'll be working extra hard today. Sure, I was informed late yesterday afternoon that there'd be a meeting over lunch today but boy, that wasn't just it as I soon discovered as the morning progressed. Btw, despite being conducted over lunch, no lunch was provided at the meeting, apart from tea/coffee and some kuih. Times must be really bad.
So now it's like another one of those crazy days at work. I'm trying my best here not to be buried under the avalanche of work and speaking of that four-letter word, it sure is inducing the beginnings of a migraine and [hopefully not] ulcer, not to mention the sheer waste of time of having to attend to urgent but not important stuff. But I'm sure you already know only too well what that feels like.
Hmmm, I am working hard for my money today!
Anyway, here are some words to enrich your 2006 vocabulary [before I return to workland]:
1. BLAMESTORMING: Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible. [Oh yes, had to sit through this painful thing before. Even though I wasn't at fault, I couldn't help feeling sorry for the poor souls. Really, if you don't make mistakes, how will you ever learn?]
2. SEAGULL MANAGER: A manager, who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves. [I'm sure I know a few characters having this trait...]
3. CUBE FARM: An office filled with cubicles. [Sounds like ours.]
4. PRAIRIE DOGGING: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on. [Oh uh, sounds familiar!]
5. MOUSE POTATO: The on-line, wired generation's answer to the couch potato.
6. SITCOMs : Single Income, Two Children , Oppressive Mortgage. What Yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids.
7. STRESS PUPPY: A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny.
8. SWIPEOUT: An ATM or credit card that has been rendered useless because the magnetic strip is worn away from extensive use. [I haven't yet inflicted that much damage to my cards... phew!]
9. XEROX SUBSIDY: Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one's workplace.
10. IRRITAINMENT: Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them. The J-Lo and Benwedding (or not) was a prime example - Michael Jackson, another. [...and Paris Hilton, Mariah Carey, Tom Cruise...]
11. PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.
12. ADMINISPHERE: The rarefied organisational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve.
13. 404: Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web Error Message "404 Not Found," meaning that the requested document could not be located. [This error message always annoys me.]
14. GENERICA: Features of the American landscape that are exactly the same no matter where one is, such as fast food joints, strip malls, and subdivisions.
15. OHNOSECOND: That minuscule fraction of time in which you realise thatyou've just made a BIG mistake. (Like after hitting send on an email by mistake). [Oh boy, been there and definitely done that. Big mistake!]
16. WOOFS: Well-Off Older Folks.
Maybe I should do a '404' expression if any more new work lands in my tray today. Now, if only I have WOOFS, then I wouldn't need to be slogging away at this rate, ever.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Slogging Away
2/28/2006 03:35:00 pm
Labels: RANTS
Monday, February 27, 2006
Moving On
After weekends of transporting what little assets I have [mainly clothes, shoes, books, clothes, crockery, cutlery and more clothes], the day when the umbilical cord was cut off arrived. I couldn't help feeling somewhat sad when I changed in my room [which soon will no longer be exclusively mine, sob!] and left my parents' house, my home ever since I was born. Fought back tears along the journey.
Reached the place. Unpacked more stuff, rearranged my books in the bookcase, lined the drawers to fill more stuff...and started cleaning the house after [most] stuff had been stored away.
Then it was time for Abah & Mummy to leave. And the tears could no longer be kept in check. I cried, not the silent crying, but sobbing big drops of tears. Mummy cried too. I couldn't stop crying. I cried for a good half hour or more, til I got a headache [I always get a headache when I cry too much or too long]. Felt sad. Yes, this is what I asked for. I have to look after this place, it's been kept vacant for soooo long. So since I'm going to look after it now, I might as well stay here [instead of popping up every now and then to check it out, collect bills - yeah Syabas and Tenaga Nasional still bill unoccupied houses, clean it etc.]. And we don't want to rent it out cause we've had our fair share of tenants from hell.
But still... Living on your own is daunting and being on your own means you have to be independent etc. Scary stuff indeed, having to grow up and do things on my own. Not to be boastful, but to my credit, I have done and still do a lot of things on my own, if I may say so myself. Like learning how to drive - despite the objection from Abah & Mummy - and passing it much to the amusement and amazement of Akak. Said licence is now lying idle unused; filling up my own tax form on my own, doing part-time studying; travelling solo - including performing the Haj...
But still, there was always the comfort of knowing I will go home to my parents. Now I have to manage finances even more carefully - even if the balance for the past couple of months and the coming couple of months didn't and don't look promising. And I'm such a scaredy cat, such a coward, such a baby... [befitting my position as the baby of the family] that I feel I need to hold my parents' hands still.
Kept myself occupied for the rest of the day cleaning up the house. Tiring, exhausting, back-breaking work it was.
Read the surah al-Baqarah last night, took me 1.5 hours or so.
Didn't manage to install the table fan. Whatever instruction provided is in very atrocious English. Diagrams provided next to instruction is not at all helpful either. So, no fan in the room at the moment.
The water heater didn't work this morning.
I have not yet turned on the TV nor have I found the stations.
I have to stock up the fridge and larder with food. Fresh food, not the canned ones.
I miss home. I miss Abah. I miss Mummy. I even miss those silly cats. Sob!
2/27/2006 01:45:00 pm
Friday, February 24, 2006
Searching My Soul
2/24/2006 09:00:00 am
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Out Of My League
This morning, for no apparent reason, I googled to find out about people I once knew in another life. I then stumbled on someone's wedding pictures and was suddenly struck with a feeling not unlike envy. No, I wasn't jealous (why should I be. That's her jodoh after all). But I wondered as I browsed through the pictures, why don't I ever meet a guy like that, God? Cute, boyishly good-looking, and from what I could see, dependable, not to mention, wealthy. But I know the answer already: because I'm not in their league. We move in different circles and they are beyond my reach. I would never be able to fit in with their crowd and their likes. Not that I know of any guy in that league who would in turn fancy me. After all, they're in A League of Their Own.
But other people seem to be having all the luck. Ok, I'm only human. I am envious. When will my turn come? Will it ever? And will I know that it's him when and if I meet him?
Had a meeting just before lunch that dragged on and on until I almost had a headache in my hungry state. Fortunately for me, there was a Caucasian male in attendance sitting at the other corner of the table, thus making it easier for me to steal glances at him. Don't worry, I was careful. Too careful infact that I barely looked at his direction. Must appear professional, hmm? At one point, my colleague leaned over and whispered to me, 'Why is that Mat so quiet? Why is he here for?' to which I replied, 'Oh, he's just sitting there looking pretty', before adding, 'Just like me.' We both giggled at that.
Anyway, sir, such a Sight For Sore Eyes, you are! Although you admitted to be nursing a cold as am I [though you don't look like it]. Ah, something in common! *Grin* [humour me ok!] But the likes of you are so out of reach of the likes of me... Maybe I just don't have what it takes to appeal to guys, full stop. Like a line from a drama which goes sth like this: 'Who, flat-chested me? I'm any guy's worst nightmare.'
In the meantime, I'm counting my blessings [yes, I'm thankful for all that I currently have]. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
2/23/2006 05:30:00 pm
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Wet Wet Wet
Hmmm, I seem to be posting quite regularly of late and two postings today! Don't worry, it won't last long and pretty soon I'm sure I'll be slack again.
Still not 100% well, with some occasional headache, which is probably due to me blowing my nose too hard. Taking up on a friend's advice that I should still exercise, despite my condition, and have the 'bad' sweat out of my system, I went for an evening walk yesterday with Lin. Yeah, some fresh air would do us good too. It was hot enough when we started and I had to shield my face with my hand towel as the sun shone brightly into our faces. We could hear the after-office city traffic and, yes, thunders too in the distant, but I didn't think the warning thunders sounded alarmingly close enough.
We were strolling and discussing the coming trip when Lin suddenly asked whether I could feel the raindrops. Uh oh. Sure enough, it was raindrops. Never mind, I assured her, it's not as if it's the torrential kind. Looking up, we saw that what had been clear, cloudless sky had been replaced with angry, dark, gloomy clouds above. Definitely not a good sign and not a situation you would like to be in without any cover. So we walked faster and after a while started to run. Yes. Run. Not jog. And suddenly, it's as if the skies suddenly broke open and the rain came falling down. Heavy, torrential, raging one it was too with big, fat drops hitting us and hindering us from moving any faster. We could barely see 10 metres ahead, it was that heavy a downpour!
Seeing a bus stop, we sought refuge there.Thunders and the howling of the wind were soon heard and lightnings flashed every now and then. Sighting a lone house atop a hill across the road, I remarked to Lin that it was a perfect setting for a ghost film. The wind was strong and pretty soon we could see ripples of rain water on the road. Amazing patterns they formed too, really. If only we weren't getting wetter [the bus stop ceiling seemed to be leaking] by the minute and thoroughly soaked to the skin. I thought my fever would return with a vengeance.
We shivered in our soaked condition, it must be how rats in some underground dungeon feel. Finally, the downpour slacked off to rain and since thunders were no longer heard nor were lightnings flashing, we ran back to the office. Dripping, drenched and utterly soaked. In our wet through clothes - no, not enough to pass us as some Blue Lagoon actresses - movement was difficult and progress to find warmth and comfort was frustratingly slow. But we made it in the end, but not before having to wade through muddy waters which had somehow gathered at the entrance of the office... euwww! We left footmarks of puddles in the lobby - but I'm sure they would have dried by the morning so it's not as if we've inconvenienced the cleaners unnecessarily. Definitely a WET WET WET outing [sans Graeme, Tommy, Neil and Marti] that I wouldn't really like to repeat again in a hurry.
Maybe I should have just stuck to the gym...
2/22/2006 03:25:00 pm
Phone Calls
I do not normally like to be interrupted by phone calls, whether at home or at work. It can be annoying at times especially when I'm working on sth and especially do not wish to be disturbed. I've had the phone off the hook a few times at work simply because I do not want to be interrupted. I reasoned that if it's that important, the person will call back surely. I also do not like it when/if someone I'm spending time with, regardless of relationship, answer his/her mobile. If I'm considerably close to the person, I would sometimes let him/her know that I'm not at all pleased at being relegated to the background. The person should know better than taking the call. It's rude and improper. I would have thought that the person making the call would know better - if it was me, I'd be wondering when is the best time to make the call for both myself and the person I'm calling. I wouldn't like to interrupt someone's dinner or quality time with the family!
Being a sleepyhead who values her beauty sleep, I also do not like it if people call me after 10.30 pm. There have been instances when the phone rings just after I have fallen asleep and against my better judgement, I wake up to answer the call - which at most times does not bear earth-shattering news anyway - only to have difficulty falling back to sleep after that. In the end, I find myself miserably tossing and turning in bed before sleep finally eluded me.
Having the person you're with having his/her mind obviously elsewhere is not a thrilling experience and can be even dangerous [think when he/she is at the wheel]. Sometimes I even feel bad for being there when a call comes in - when I'm out with some married colleagues for a seriously platonic lunch or serious treasure hunting and suddenly the wife calls! No matter how you try, you may end up sounding a lot guiltier than you actually are. Besides, I'm not the type to go after married men [except for Brad Pitt but he's divorced now and not yet remarried].
I have a friend who has her mobile phone constantly stuck to her ears - surely there's some radiation risk? She even brings it to the washroom and has even left it there once. Does she expect to be receiving calls when she's doing business?! And surely not being able to be out of touch even for a few minutes just add more stress to an already-stressed existence? As for me, I'm happy to being out of reach for a few hours. Hey, it's always nice to be missed.
I also do not like making phone calls except to [certain] girl friends. I have my share of dreaded phone calls to make, the most recent being yesterday when I had to settle someone else's business. I also have more than my fair share of having my calls transferred from one person to another, from one department to another division and finally, just when I can take it no more, the call gets cut off! How annoying can that be? I was also, on one occasion, been put on hold for more than 7 minutes before finally slamming the phone down, wondering if the person at the other end has suddenly suffered a heart attack and whether I should be calling the police/ambulance over [hey, at least I'm thoughtful which is more than I can say for the person at the other end]. And nothing annoys me more than having to repeat myself over the phone to the person at the other end - even if one has so many other things in mind, the least he/she can do is try to stay focused on the conversation while it lasts. Actually this also applies to normal conversations.
Admittedly, there are phone calls that are really important and urgent that you would really kick yourself if you miss it.
Maybe one day, when and if I really fall in love - assuming I know what that actually is and I can tell that it is indeed love - I would be more than happy to be taking and making calls. But not during meals, quality Adek time or after 10.30 pm.
2/22/2006 01:50:00 pm
Labels: RANTS
Monday, February 20, 2006
The Weekend
The weekend started off with a visit to the travel agent to secure our tickets for this year's get away. Adek was nursing the beginnings of a headache/flu/cough so wasn't at all happy when told that paying the said ticket by MasterCard would be subject to 2% service fee. So there went our hopes of getting a pair of free tickets [if you charge to MasterCard, you may be lucky to get that] and off we went in search of a serviceable ATM. No way was I going to part with more money after the tickets [which generally cost more this time around for all destinations]. Almost fainted when I saw my unhealthy bank balance. Thankfully, Lin had some extra dosh and became my banker. Again.
After settling our account and asking a myriad of questions for Mummy's planned trip, we went off to PWTC for some health awareness exhibition and forum, which I thought was excellent. All that excitement of meeting old friends and talk on women's health, breast cancer, healthy aging and managing stress had me feeling really famished. After lunch, went for some check-up and browsed around the many booths before heading home.
In the meantime, my parents attended my cousin sister's engagement. The Big Day will be in April, insyaAllah. Am happy for her for having found jodoh at long last. She's turning 48 this year so I suppose there's still hope for the rest of us. As the future husband is a Datuk, she'll be an instant Datin with instant stepsons and stepdaughter-in-law. Anyway, I have confidence that she'll cope gracefully.
Was still feeling under the weather on Sunday and paid the doctor a visit but was apparently healthy enough not to be granted an MC despite feeling otherwise. So here I am... at work.
Hmmm, makes me wonder, how will I manage when I'm cut off the umbilical cord later? I do wonder what my parents really think when I told them I wanted to move out. Rejoice? Relief? Sad? A mix of emotions? I feel sad at leaving them but I can't put my life on hold anymore and continue keeping an eye on them [or is the other way around when I'm concerned?! They don't trust me a bit, and have paranoid fears about my safety] for I am also very worried about their wellbeing and what if something happens when I'm not around? Yet I must live my own life, but what if? Oh God, I only have You to turn to...
2/20/2006 01:40:00 pm
Labels: RANTS
Friday, February 17, 2006
An Act of Kindness
Came across this quote and thought I'd share it. Reminds me of the bird which did its best, in the best way it knew how, to help Prophet Ibrahim [see previous posting].
I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
-Edward Everett Hale
Have a good weekend!
2/17/2006 11:00:00 am
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Around the World on a Shoestring Budget
Now I'm not going to start a habit where I post a little sth on my blog every day just for the sake of updating it. I don't want to turn this blogging activity to be an addictive habit and besides, I do keep a separate diary on my own for other stuff that I don't want people to read. Obviously. [I'm just saying that cos I know some people do start a blog as some kind of on-line diary but I'm not one of them. Yet].
Anyway, I came across other great, useful and handy sites today. Among others are the Round The World Flights website [for flights obviously] and VIP Backpackers and Hostelworld for lodging. So add that to Venere [for lodging], list of low-cost airlines in Europe and BugEurope [which as the name suggests covers travelling in Europe] that I've been relying on for some time now.
In true Adek style, I will only let people know where I went after I returned from the trip. I hardly ever tell people before the trip itself, well, except my family of course. Don't ask me why, maybe I don't like to talk about them until they have been realised, because a cancelled trip to me is, well, horror of all horrors! Also, not everyone is interested to know where you're going next and talking about it may border on 'riak'.
I would have thought that my officemates have eventually accepted or respected [if not understood] this need on my part to be a bit secretive before my trip, so it always amuses me somewhat when I return to office that someone would ask me this - with just the right amount of hurt injected [for how could I possibly not tell her I was going on that trip?]: 'Where did you go? Why didn't you tell me?' when the person knows fully well that my standard it's-so-not-great-to-be-back-in-office reply would be 'Why, I didn't know you were going to offer to send me off to the airport!' [also with the right amount of genuine regret of 'darn, I knew I should have told you!' injected]. Actually, sometimes I suspect that the person only asks me that leaving the query 'Where's my souvenir?' hanging but it might as well have been asked out loud especially when it is so apparent/obvious as if it is etched across the forehead! I don't know which I dread, returning to the office after a holiday getaway, or dealing with questions like that and also attempts to make me feel guilty should I somehow overlook to buy souvenirs for certain people [No, I'm not kidding. These people bent on making you feel guilty do exist]. But hey, I don't dread them enough to stop planning for future trips.
Only a matter of hours now before the list of special airfares will be revealed... maybe, just maybe, I might share where I plan to go this year in my blog.
2/15/2006 06:30:00 pm
Labels: TRIPS
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Have Plans, Will Travel
There is this link to a website I have unashamedly nicked from someone's site. Among others, you can check your Visited Countries - just scroll down the disturbingly long list of countries and tick those countries you've visited and presto! you'll get a percentage of the dim, distant and exotic lands you've been to, along with a map showing where you have visited and other foreign soil you have yet to set foot on.
Evidently I haven't been collecting enough airmiles as I've only visited a miserable total of 31 countries or 13% of the world, and that includes a transit in Jakarta! [I can't seem to load pictures for the past few weeks so can't reproduce that map here but you can click on this link to view my 'Visited Countries' map]. So much of the world yet to see and do and discover... but rest assured, I plan to add more of that red paint over the map by June this year - three cheers for MAS for having another travel fair starting this Friday, an answer to my wanderlust indeed.
Note to self: stop visiting Down Under and fly out to other places instead [but a couple of cities in China is not enough, so need to make my way there again]. And try to switch jobs if I want to go globe trotting - but since I don't meet the criteria as an aircrew, maybe be a travel agent, or a journalist [er, but that's probably even more stressful than my current job]. Or alternatively, get someone to pay for my trips - which again is as likely as being an aircrew.
Try it out yourself http://www.world66.com and you'll be calling your travel agent, making plans to visit the MAS travel fair and MATTA fair in March, surfing the AirAsia website, and/or visiting the bureau de change [any or all of the above] in a jiffy.
2/14/2006 01:55:00 pm
Labels: TRIPS
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Is there no end to insults hurled to the Muslims? There is no one word to describe the newspaper cartoons depicting our beloved Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] - sacrilegious, blasphemous, made in very poor taste, offensive and downright insulting. Surely there is a line between free speech/press freedom and religious beliefs.
I came across this entry posted by someone from Hong Kong. She's neither Muslim nor Christian and this is what she said [reproduced without editing]:
freedom vs. respect
Recently there is a very disappointing news regarding a Denmark newspaper published the comic of Mohammed, and even more disappointing, several press in Europe copied that comics and even described Mahomet as a terrorist. Although they defended that this is to reflect the freedom of press, but no doubt this is a bull shit.
Everyone should know, at least press should know, this is really an insult in drawing the face of Mohammed, you can indigest why they are thinking in this way, but you should show your deference, this is what we called taboo.
I was very angry with what they have done, although I am not a Muslim, nor a Christian. What I believe, that people should respect each others, and never abuse others right and freedom and belief. Right should always come together with responsibility. If we want our rights to be protected, we shall then responsible for defencing others right first. And the most stupid thing is that mass media is ever thinking their freedom of press is someway higher and more important than Muslims' freedom of religion? Highly absurd!!!
Westerners (no matter Americans and Europeans) are always so arrogant that they believe they are the most civilized and never respect others culture. Dont know start from when, they do not respect the Middle East culture the most, and after 911 incident, naive westerners even linked Muslims as terrorists. From my eyes, what they thought is just too naive, too uncivilized.
I have been to Middle East before, what I met, what I saw, Muslims are nice, pure and peaceful. There are some radical ones, but radical peoples appear in all nations, all places, not only in Islamic world. Like George Bush should be one of the most radical people in Western world.
Sadly, Western mass media never give correct message to people the real face of Muslim faith, and even mislead the idea of "Holy War", and many many. If they are able to know Muslim culture better, they are able to publish something much better, not some rubbish like this.
If these people never adjust their arrogant mind against other cultures, I am so persimistic about the world peace ever.
As for me, it is very clear what I shall do: refrain from buying any products from Denmark, Germany or even France, until a public apology is issued [and even then, it is still not enough to erase this outrageous and despicable act from the mind]. In the words of a friend, this is the very least I can do to protect the honour of our Prophet and 'to support the outrage at the supposed 'democratic right to blasphemy' nonsense over printing drawings depicting our holy Prophet S.A.W.' After all, I've already stopped patronising some American establishments as a protest against the war on Iraq. I can only hope that my small acts can be likened to the little bird which helped Prophet Ibrahim [peace be upon him].
The story about the little bird, the fire and Prophet Ibrahim: When Prophet Ibrahim [peace be upon him] was thrown into a fire that filled up two valleys by the evil ruler Namrod, some birds were flying overhead. Some of the larger birds saw this little bird that kept on flying to the ocean to scoop up some water, bring the water in its tiny beak and then flying back to drop the water onto the fire. After seeing the small bird going back and forth a few times, the larger birds made fun of it and asked him why he was doing that, as such tiny drops of water could not possibly put out such a large fire. The small bird replied that it wanted to do its share so that on the Day of Judgement it could go before Allah with a clear conscience, because on the Day of Judgement, God would ask him what he did when Ibrahim was in the fire, and he wanted to be able to answer that he did everything within his ability to extinguish the fire. Wallahu'alam.
The bird, in its own little way, did something against evil, gifted as it was with such clear conscience that wondered about its actions in such a way. Can we say the same about ourselves? Sadly, there are so few of us in this world who think beyond our own selves.
A-dor, the world needs more people like you.
2/07/2006 01:50:00 pm
Monday, February 06, 2006
The Land Below The Wind
Lin and I joined the mass exodus of KLites from the city on CNY eve. Our flight was at noon and 2.5 hours later, we landed in Kota Kinabalu. Our friend from boarding school days was already waiting for us, watching us with an amused expression as we walked out trying to spot her, and whisked us away to our hotel, Berjaya Palace Hotel. Sited on a hill, the hotel overlooks the hustle and bustle of the city. After checking in and freshening up, we set off to the Handicraft Centre in the heart of the city, or more popularly known to the locals as 'Philippines Market', where we managed to pick some handicraft items and accessories before going to the Centrepoint Mall. We walked around in Centrepoint but most shops were already closing seeing it was the eve of CNY. We then walked to Plaza Wawasan and Anjung Senja, which were a mere few blocks away. Anjung Senja, where we had dinner, is a stretch of open-air food stalls by the sea, offering a stunning view of the sunset. We then returned to the hotel where we learnt of the terrible jam at all exit roads out of KL.
A brief history lesson here on KK: it started as a tiny British settlement on Pulau Gaya [the biggest of five islands across the bay] before being relocated to the mainland. The new settlement was renamed Jesselton after Sir Charles Jessel, who was then the Vice-Chairman of the British North Borneo Chartered Company. Jesselton was selected as the capital of North Borneo to replace Sandakan which was destroyed during the World War II. It was later renamed Kota Kinabalu after the Mount Kinabalu, which, peaking at 4,095.2 m, is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia. [Info courtesy of Sabah Tourism Board].
Sunday/Chinese New Year: we went to Pasar Gaya at Gaya Street. Gaya Street apparently has the largest number of law firms and financial institutions of any street in Sabah. The street is closed to trafiic on every Sunday morning for the Gaya Street Fair. Almost everything is sold here - the ubiquitous pearl accessories, food, rabbits, puppies, clothes, souvenirs and handicrafts, antiques, the aromatic Tenom coffee... even kuih lapis Sarawak! We got the chance to polish up our bargaining skills here again. Hunger set in after all the bargaining and surveying. After lunch and a brief stop at a friend's place, we set off for Kundasang, which is very close to the entrance to the Kinabalu Park where Mount Kinabalu is ['Aki Nabalu' as the Kadazans/Dusuns named it means 'home of the spirits of the dead'. 'Aki' literally means 'ancestor' and 'nabalu' means 'mountain', hence the sacred resting place of ancestral spirits. Good thing this fact escaped me then]. Now, Kinabalu Park is Malaysia's First World Heritage designated by UNESCO in December 2000. The 2-hour trip to Kundasang wound through lush countryside dotted with traditional village houses. We were soon greeted with cool, invigorating air and magnificent views of the Crocker mountain range which at some points were shrouded in mists and clouds. Simply breathtaking! Heaven on earth!
We settled into Rose Cabin before venturing out again to Mesilau. We passed the town of Kundasang [if you can call it that] with stalls selling fruits and vegetables - in other words, fresh, local produce - lining up the road. The majority of the people at Kundasang town are Muslims and they are either into farming, thanks to the fertile soil, or rearing animals. The village of Kundasang is surrounded by rolling farm fields dotted with tiny shapes of grazing cows with the magnificent range that forms Mount Kinabalu as its backdrop. Mesilau is higher up than Kundasang - now I understand what SK meant - and the road was steeper too [thank God for Len's 4WD!]. We stayed there until it was dark, drinking in the view and taking in gulpfuls of pure mountain air to clear our KL-polluted lungs.
All those nature appreciation and numerous Kodak moments did wonders for our appetite. After a barely-concealed impatient wait for dinner, it was finally served and it was worth the wait! There were a few dishes of vegetables that tasted as fresh as they looked and so crispy and crunchy too, besides fish and beef. After dinner, we retired to our respective rooms. We played Pictionary and despite being complete novices, Lin & I won. Maybe it was just pure luck, heh [SK, we can have a rematch. No problem]. Now, it's in my nature to be involved and get all excited in games like this [and even when watching emotional movies] so a lot of shrieking was heard - good thing there wasn't another room neighbouring ours! The excitement of having won was not enough to grant me a good night's sleep though and I was tossing and turning in bed for the better part of the night.
After breakfast on Monday, we drove to Poring Hot Springs, about 45 minutes' drive away through the plains of Ranau. The scenery just as we left the cabin was such that it could pass as the Lake District in the North West of England or somewhere in the heart of Wales/New Zealand! We reached there at almost 11 in the morning and evidently it was the local tourist attraction for it was already packed! We then learnt that some people come as early as 7 am! How's that for bright and early? Anyway, there is more to see and do than just dipping oneself in the hot springs: there is the butterfly farm, orchid farm, the canopy walk... Being part of the Kinabalu Park, a minimal entrance fee is imposed. Separate fees are applicable for different attractions within the area. As we entered the area, we saw poring, the gigantic bamboo plants which give the place its name.
The enclosed rooms for more private bathing experience all had problems with their cold water facility so we decided to hang around and wait for one of the open-air 'tubs' to be free. A bit of a wait since it was public holiday and Poring is to Sabah folks what PD or Genting is to KL folks. Lin and I decided to go up the canopy walk while waiting. After paying the fee and a separate one for cameras, we set off. In the tropical heat, going up the hill to get to the canopy walk/hanging bridge proved to be a challenge and I was reminded time and again of the time when I scaled the Great Wall in Beijing. After much panting and gasping for air, we finally reached the bridge.
A notice assured us of the bridge's strength and I hadn't heard of anyone falling off the canopy walk so I suppose all we had to do was put our best foot forward and Just Do It. All the same, I had this weird sensation in my feet as I contemplated the wisdom, or the foolishness as it seemed then, of continuing on. Because sometimes, I have this fear of heights and while walking in treetops sounds great, it also sounds a bit crazy. Honestly, I am also actually not a brave person but I'm not me if I'm not stubborn so most of the time, it was actually stubbornness and craziness that make me do certain things I wouldn't normally have the guts to [like taking the cable car in Langkawi, all alone in the gondola. Whatever was I thinking? Maybe I wasn't. Thinking]. So I decided to conquer my fear anyway and plastered on a brave face. After all, I had trekked my way all the exhausting way up, hadn't I? And oh, those kids in front of me actually made it, right?
Yikes, the bridge seemed to be swaying even as I tried to balance myself and hang on for dear life. Somewhere in the distant, we could hear the sound of a waterfall, or was it a river? It was dark down there in the seemingly bottomless ravine as the sunlight struggled to penetrate through the thick foliage of the treetops. To set your adrenaline faster, the canopy walk is not just one straight hanging bridge, but is instead split up in three parts of platforms zigzagging through the treetops. A few huge trees act as support for the hanging bridge and have a little 'platform' attached to them, where you can pause to catch a deep breath before continuing to walk on the next part of the hanging bridge. And don't worry about the crowd as only six people are allowed at any one time. We were there for perhaps under 10 minutes and pretty soon, we were making our way down already.
Our friends who left Kundasang separately had by now reached Poring and had managed to secure two tubs to share. Lin decided to join them while sleep-deprived me decided to return to the car to catch some quality forty winks. Visited the info centre before heading to the car and as I was just about to get myself settled, the others arrived. And off we drove, stopping at Ranau for a late lunch and then at Kinabalu Pine Resort and Perkasa Hotel Mt Kinabalu at Kundasang for more Kodak moments and our own version of A Walk In The Clouds sans Keanu Reeves before buying some plants and produce at the Kundasang roadside market. We finally reached KK just after dusk, which marked the beginning of the new Muslim year.
Tuesday morning, the first day of the new 1427 Hijrah year, we set off to Pulau Manukan, one of the five islands [besides Pulau Gaya, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Mamutik and Pulau Sulug] that form the marine park of Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. We spent the whole morning and part of afternoon at Manukan. It proved to be a popular tourist spot and the beach was quite crowded. I was surprised and a bit disappointed to see that the sand was brown, not white. The morning heat which was partially shielded by the swaying pine branches above coupled with the sound of lapping waves and the coll breeze pretty soon had me feeling drowsy...
We left after 3 pm and stopped at Yoyo's, a local eatery that specialises in iced milk tea. Pretty soon, the nine of us shiny, happy people were in deep discussion of life in general. Oh did I mention earlier that we are all young, single, carefree, single, fun-loving girls? We finally parted at almost 5 - I didn't say goodbyes cause I hate goodbyes! Back to the hotel to pack and rest. Dinner at nearby Plaza Karamunsing. Spent the night reading 'Letting Go and Loving Life' by Carmel Greenwood as I had to return it the very next day.
Wednesday started off a brilliant sunshiny day. We caught the hotel shuttle to the city centre and helped spurred the local economy with our last-minute purchases of souvenirs and sea products, just like any responsible tourists would do. Btw, if you want to buy prawns - king prawns, flower prawns, even abalones - you can get them at SAFMA, that's short for Sabah Fish Marketing Agency. SAFMA can even pack it for you. Iced prawns can last up to 15 hours. We then rushed back to the hotel and stuffed more items into our bags. After prayers, we checked out just before 1 pm.
SK came to pick us up and drove us to the airport after a brief stop at Plaza Wawasan because yours truly spotted something on the first night of arrival and decided she must have it even if it caused some serious, major damage to her wallet. Upon reaching the airport, we immediately checked in our bags, had a light meal and browsed over the dutyfree shops. The flight was delayed from 3.45 pm to 5.30 pm, raising concerns for potential further damage to my wallet. We were finally allowed to board the plane at 4.40 pm and been made to roast in there while they continued with some fire inspection/tests. And that was my third consecutive flight delays in as many months!!!
Finally touched down at KLIA at 8 pm. The runway looked wet, it probably just stopped raining a short while before we landed. Baggage claim process was swift and we were almost out of there when I was stopped by an officer from the Agriculture Department. You see, I was carrying my precious pine tree for all the world to see, not knowing it was actually subject to plant quarantine. He explained that anyone bringing over plants need to show some certificate of approval or sth from the country/state of origin's agriculture department. Now, I seriously, honestly didn't know that as I never made importing or transporting plants from anywhere a habit. Anyway, he was nice enough to let me off [thank you officer!]. We took the cab back and pretty soon were joining the mass return of KLites. Reached home at 9.25 pm.
Many thanks to SK and Alice who went out of their way to ensure our stay was comfortable. We truly appreciate your hospitality!
KK/Sabah/SK, I'll be back. InsyaAllah.
2/06/2006 01:47:00 pm