This morning, for no apparent reason, I googled to find out about people I once knew in another life. I then stumbled on someone's wedding pictures and was suddenly struck with a feeling not unlike envy. No, I wasn't jealous (why should I be. That's her jodoh after all). But I wondered as I browsed through the pictures, why don't I ever meet a guy like that, God? Cute, boyishly good-looking, and from what I could see, dependable, not to mention, wealthy. But I know the answer already: because I'm not in their league. We move in different circles and they are beyond my reach. I would never be able to fit in with their crowd and their likes. Not that I know of any guy in that league who would in turn fancy me. After all, they're in A League of Their Own.
But other people seem to be having all the luck. Ok, I'm only human. I am envious. When will my turn come? Will it ever? And will I know that it's him when and if I meet him?
Had a meeting just before lunch that dragged on and on until I almost had a headache in my hungry state. Fortunately for me, there was a Caucasian male in attendance sitting at the other corner of the table, thus making it easier for me to steal glances at him. Don't worry, I was careful. Too careful infact that I barely looked at his direction. Must appear professional, hmm? At one point, my colleague leaned over and whispered to me, 'Why is that Mat so quiet? Why is he here for?' to which I replied, 'Oh, he's just sitting there looking pretty', before adding, 'Just like me.' We both giggled at that.
Anyway, sir, such a Sight For Sore Eyes, you are! Although you admitted to be nursing a cold as am I [though you don't look like it]. Ah, something in common! *Grin* [humour me ok!] But the likes of you are so out of reach of the likes of me... Maybe I just don't have what it takes to appeal to guys, full stop. Like a line from a drama which goes sth like this: 'Who, flat-chested me? I'm any guy's worst nightmare.'
In the meantime, I'm counting my blessings [yes, I'm thankful for all that I currently have]. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Out Of My League
2/23/2006 05:30:00 pm
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