Hmmm, I seem to be posting quite regularly of late and two postings today! Don't worry, it won't last long and pretty soon I'm sure I'll be slack again.
Still not 100% well, with some occasional headache, which is probably due to me blowing my nose too hard. Taking up on a friend's advice that I should still exercise, despite my condition, and have the 'bad' sweat out of my system, I went for an evening walk yesterday with Lin. Yeah, some fresh air would do us good too. It was hot enough when we started and I had to shield my face with my hand towel as the sun shone brightly into our faces. We could hear the after-office city traffic and, yes, thunders too in the distant, but I didn't think the warning thunders sounded alarmingly close enough.
We were strolling and discussing the coming trip when Lin suddenly asked whether I could feel the raindrops. Uh oh. Sure enough, it was raindrops. Never mind, I assured her, it's not as if it's the torrential kind. Looking up, we saw that what had been clear, cloudless sky had been replaced with angry, dark, gloomy clouds above. Definitely not a good sign and not a situation you would like to be in without any cover. So we walked faster and after a while started to run. Yes. Run. Not jog. And suddenly, it's as if the skies suddenly broke open and the rain came falling down. Heavy, torrential, raging one it was too with big, fat drops hitting us and hindering us from moving any faster. We could barely see 10 metres ahead, it was that heavy a downpour!
Seeing a bus stop, we sought refuge there.Thunders and the howling of the wind were soon heard and lightnings flashed every now and then. Sighting a lone house atop a hill across the road, I remarked to Lin that it was a perfect setting for a ghost film. The wind was strong and pretty soon we could see ripples of rain water on the road. Amazing patterns they formed too, really. If only we weren't getting wetter [the bus stop ceiling seemed to be leaking] by the minute and thoroughly soaked to the skin. I thought my fever would return with a vengeance.
We shivered in our soaked condition, it must be how rats in some underground dungeon feel. Finally, the downpour slacked off to rain and since thunders were no longer heard nor were lightnings flashing, we ran back to the office. Dripping, drenched and utterly soaked. In our wet through clothes - no, not enough to pass us as some Blue Lagoon actresses - movement was difficult and progress to find warmth and comfort was frustratingly slow. But we made it in the end, but not before having to wade through muddy waters which had somehow gathered at the entrance of the office... euwww! We left footmarks of puddles in the lobby - but I'm sure they would have dried by the morning so it's not as if we've inconvenienced the cleaners unnecessarily. Definitely a WET WET WET outing [sans Graeme, Tommy, Neil and Marti] that I wouldn't really like to repeat again in a hurry.
Maybe I should have just stuck to the gym...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Wet Wet Wet
2/22/2006 03:25:00 pm
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