Now I'm not going to start a habit where I post a little sth on my blog every day just for the sake of updating it. I don't want to turn this blogging activity to be an addictive habit and besides, I do keep a separate diary on my own for other stuff that I don't want people to read. Obviously. [I'm just saying that cos I know some people do start a blog as some kind of on-line diary but I'm not one of them. Yet].
Anyway, I came across other great, useful and handy sites today. Among others are the Round The World Flights website [for flights obviously] and VIP Backpackers and Hostelworld for lodging. So add that to Venere [for lodging], list of low-cost airlines in Europe and BugEurope [which as the name suggests covers travelling in Europe] that I've been relying on for some time now.
In true Adek style, I will only let people know where I went after I returned from the trip. I hardly ever tell people before the trip itself, well, except my family of course. Don't ask me why, maybe I don't like to talk about them until they have been realised, because a cancelled trip to me is, well, horror of all horrors! Also, not everyone is interested to know where you're going next and talking about it may border on 'riak'.
I would have thought that my officemates have eventually accepted or respected [if not understood] this need on my part to be a bit secretive before my trip, so it always amuses me somewhat when I return to office that someone would ask me this - with just the right amount of hurt injected [for how could I possibly not tell her I was going on that trip?]: 'Where did you go? Why didn't you tell me?' when the person knows fully well that my standard it's-so-not-great-to-be-back-in-office reply would be 'Why, I didn't know you were going to offer to send me off to the airport!' [also with the right amount of genuine regret of 'darn, I knew I should have told you!' injected]. Actually, sometimes I suspect that the person only asks me that leaving the query 'Where's my souvenir?' hanging but it might as well have been asked out loud especially when it is so apparent/obvious as if it is etched across the forehead! I don't know which I dread, returning to the office after a holiday getaway, or dealing with questions like that and also attempts to make me feel guilty should I somehow overlook to buy souvenirs for certain people [No, I'm not kidding. These people bent on making you feel guilty do exist]. But hey, I don't dread them enough to stop planning for future trips.
Only a matter of hours now before the list of special airfares will be revealed... maybe, just maybe, I might share where I plan to go this year in my blog.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Around the World on a Shoestring Budget
2/15/2006 06:30:00 pm
Labels: TRIPS
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