Monday, August 28, 2017

No More Words (Enough Is Enough)

I think it’s probably time for us to part ways. We no longer have the same interests and haven’t been on the same page for some time now.

I’m not the type to sit back and bite my tongue every time something wrong happens. I need to voice out my dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

I’ve given way too many allowances to you and yet every time you come around and hurt me all over again.

I’ve defended you and endured crap. Teases, jeers, mockery, sarcasm. I had persevered this far but there’s got to be a final straw.

I’ve invested so much in you: time, energy, effort, passion. I’ve defended you many times and you don’t care, don’t even know it, what more appreciate it.

Not to mention all those money I spent on you. So enough is enough is enough surely.

This just can’t go on anymore. I can’t and refuse to be taken for a ride time and again.

You keep making promises, you keep saying things, but you are never good at keeping your word.

I hate you for making me care for you when you don’t even care for me. You don’t give a damn. You can’t be bothered. You don’t even try!

All the promises made, all the pledges given, all the nice words said meant to comfort, when all along you’re just playing with my feelings!

You can’t say that I haven’t been trying my best. Sometimes I feel as if my effort has all been for naught. Unappreciated, unrecognised.

You take me for granted and treat me like a fool. Anyone deserves better than this!

Stop promising things, stop pledging, stop playing with my feelings, just stop. You say all these but your actions don’t commensurate at all.

You say one thing but it’s not matched with your pitiful effort. You make me hope and it’s the hope that kills me.

Sometimes I feel like you just don’t care. You’re cruel and unfeeling. You’re indifferent to my feelings and needs. You hurt me and you make me cry.

I don’t care to be hurt again. I don’t want to hope in vain again. Because I’ll just end up disappointed and gutted at the end. Heartbroken and hurt.

You are just stringing me along. You hope I’ll turn a blind eye and ignore your shortcomings. You use me, manipulate me.

Well, I’ve had enough. Enough of your uncaring, unfeeling, indifferent ways. I keep giving you chance after chance but I needn’t have bothered.

I probably should have done this a long time ago before you hurt me as deep as you have. I should do it now before you hurt me even further.

I was blind to your faults, I kept excusing your indifference, I kept fooling myself. Well, no more!

Goodbye, Arsenal. You’ve hurt me enough.

I’m however prepared to give you another chance if you promise to turn over a new leaf for good and stick to it.

No more hurting me, no more disappointment, no more heartache, no more pain. Because I’ve had enough of those.

No more lies, no more empty promises, no more pledges. No more!

To be honest, I’m not sure if you deserve another chance from me when you’ve hurt me so bad, when you keep disappointing me, when you keep letting me down, when you keep breaking your promises.

You’ve hurt me enough, Arsenal. You should be ashamed of your sorry self.