Wednesday, April 01, 2009

My Restricted Blog Entry

Here it is, as promised earlier, an entry on inappropriate behaviour.

The inappropriate behaviour

The Spanish Fight Club


Oh to be young and free

The inappropriate/inadequate clothing

Skimpy in the gym

Bless This Mess

The inappropriate action, behaviour and poses

Sharing dirty secrets?
I doubt Beckham was humming ‘Touch My Body’ then

Very, very cosy indeed

For more football porn, go here.

P.S. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: ManUre have the most number of ugly footballers. And so yes, that officially makes them The Ugliest Team in the World.

Happy April Fools’ Day!


You may find these complaints made by holidaymakers so ridiculous and ludicrous, in fact as ridiculously ludicrous as any April Fools’ joke (I guess because those who complained are fools anyway). But this one is no April Fools’ joke: Beckham is apparently the celebrity we would most like to sit next to us in a plane. Beckham as a flight neighbour or not, I can’t wait for my next holiday (don’t think Cesc was on holiday as speculated here!)!