Monday, October 14, 2024

Land Below The Wind


My nephew and a mate share the same birth date and I’ve always thought it’d be fun to have them meet each other. So this year I decided to make it a reality. I bought air tickets as early as March, six months before our departure date. Then in early April, I started booking hotel and resort. Still a long way away but we were going at the tail end of school holidays and looking back, I was glad I made the purchases and bookings when I did.


Friday, 20 September 2024


Finally the long-awaited day arrived. I met the kids (my nephew and two nieces) at the bag drop-off counter and we made our way inside. I had managed to get myself upgraded so I didn’t drop off my bag. We parted ways outside the prayer room and I continued on to the Golden Lounge. Alas, the bathroom was being upgraded so I had to go and use the washrooms outside and couldn’t have my shower.


I met the kids again at the gate after evening prayers. The flight was pretty full. We boarded and took off in no time. We landed around 22:35 and hiked across the airport from our gate to immigration. There was one or two other flights that landed around the same time or slightly before so there were a lot of people around. And oh yes, as mentioned previously, it was school hols too.


The bags took a while to emerge (this is why I try not to check in my bag if I can help it) and then we had to wait for the person with our rented car to arrive. There was a crowd at the door and had we known, we would’ve gone to another door but we didn’t know and besides, the driver would have to pass the gate we were at first. Having gotten custody of the car, my nephew drove us to Hyatt Regency Kinabalu. There were two other couples ahead of us so a late check-in wasn’t that odd. It had been a long day at work and then travelling but I only managed to sleep after 00:30.


Caturday, 21 September 2024


An early start because morning prayers are early in this part of Malaysia. I pumped iron then showered before going down for breakfast. We left at 09:00 and headed for Ranau. Oh my, the drive was challenging with road works, road diversions, bumpy road conditions in some stretches, drivers suddenly appearing from nowhere… we also had to endure being stuck behind a lorry or a bus a few times. Finally, after close to two hours, we arrived at Perkasa Hotel Mt Kinabalu. We stopped there and enjoyed a bird’s eye view of the surrounding area. It was breathtakingly beautiful. If only Mount Kinabalu wasn’t hiding behind some clouds then. In fact, we didn’t manage to sight it at all.


After having some banana fritters, we performed prayers at the hotel prayer room before driving off to find lunch. We were heading for H Benjamin Café when we saw the many cars at Restoran Selera Kebun so after driving a bit, reading the reviews and discussing among ourselves, we decided to turn and have lunch there instead. We had to park at some homestay and walk up. We ordered two set lunches and they didn’t disappoint at all. The only downside was the presence of flies everywhere.


After the satisfying lunch, we drove back to KK. Just like the drive heading out of the city, the drive into the city was challenging. We reached the hotel after 4 p.m. and rested.


My mate, Eskay, came to the hotel for dinner with her two kids, sister, brother and sister-in-law and treated us to dinner. Alhamdulillah for the rezeki. Much appreciated, Eskay!


Sunday, 22 September 2024


After breakfast, we walked to nearby Gaya Street to experience the Sunday morning market. There were many sellers selling pearl accessories, brooches and other accessories, plants, vegetables, coffee from Tenom, and other produce. After that, we went to the waterfront before returning to our rooms. It was only after 10 a.m. and already very hot.


We checked out at 11:20 and waited for the e-hailing vehicle to bring us to Jesselton Point. The check-in office location had slipped my mind so we had to turn back and then endure a long queue to check-in. In the end, we didn’t manage to check in there but boarded the boat with the other guests and completed our check-in at the resort. The boat ride took 15 minutes. After the welcoming drink and cold towel, we were shown to our rooms where beautiful towel decorations waited on the beds. We waited a bit for our bags then performed prayers before venturing out to the pool bar for lunch. I must say that the small tables were inadequate if you’re in a group and if you sit at the sofa with the bigger table, it’s awkward to eat too because of the distance to the table. The food took a while to arrive so much so I managed to climb the spiral stairs up to the library, browsed books and came back with a Lee Child book and visited the washroom too.


We went for a short walk after lunch then the kids wanted to go for a swim while I went back to the room to rest.


Dinner was had at Feast Village then we retired to our rooms.


Monday, 23 September 2024


After breakfast, the kids went for a long swim and I went back to my room and book. We were finally blessed with the sight of Mount Kinabalu in the morning although the clouds covered it up by lunchtime. I met up with the kids and we rode the boat to Tavajun Bay. We stopped first at the Marine Centre and learnt about the rescue, treatment and care of rehabilitated turtles. We then had lunch before my nephew and one niece who decided they still hadn’t had enough soaking went for another dip in the sea.


We boarded the boat back to the resort and the kids decided to do some kayaking. I headed back to my room. Was starting to feel under the weather and I didn’t eat much during dinner either. It must be the heat or some bug going around. Somehow finished the 510-page Lee Child book which I borrowed from the resort library before I turned in for the night at 22:45.


Tuesday, 24 September 2024


I had a brief rest after morning prayers before getting up to finish packing. Went for breakfast – still lacking appetite -  and took paracetamol after my meal. We took the 11:00 boat and arrived at Jesselton Point at 11:20 (the boat left later than scheduled). We even went to get our bags instead of waiting for the porter to unload them and the Grab car arrived just as we walked out of the ferry terminal. We reached the airport at 11:45 and rushed to drop off our bags then went in to clear security and immigration. Well, it turned out that the MAS flight from KL was late so I even managed to perform prayers before boarding.


Despite departing later, we landed at KLIA at about 15:10 and this time, my bag came out early. So much so I managed to catch the 15:22 KLIA Transit train.


Alhamdulillah, everything went well and smoothly and I managed to fulfil my dream of bringing my nephew to meet my mate.