Friday, May 31, 2024

Spring Vacation: Part III

 Caturday, May the Fourth be with you


I woke up for morning prayers then rested again before dragging myself up to face the day. Day started out cloudy and it drizzled too at some point. The sun finally came out around noon. I set off and walked along Chuy Avenue to the Parliament, continued on to the State History Museum. There’s another statue of Manas in front of the museum while a statue of Vladimir Lenin stands behind the museum. I walked to the National Library, National Museum of Fine Arts with Opera and Ballet Theatre across from it, turned to Victory Square and all the way to the Central Mosque. It was an hour before Zuhur when I reached the mosque so I didn’t stay for prayers. I turned and walked back. Ala Too Square which is the main square was closed for renovation so I walked on and on until I reached Osh Bazaar. Then I turned back and returned to the hostel to perform prayers and rest. I wanted to watch the Arsenal match but it wasn’t shown live. Day 2 in Bishek: walked 15.8 km or 22,576 steps so far today. Disappointingly, I didn’t meet any cat today despite it being a Caturday.

Manas Statue
State History Museum
Bishkek Central Mosque

At Osh Bazaar in Bishkek



I was about to sit down for my dinner when I checked my email and found out that my flight for 08:00 the following morning had been cancelled but that I could opt to join the 05:00 flight. I quickly replied informing the affirmative and then contacted GoBus to change my departure time for the airport. I quickly finished dinner then went to finish packing and tried to get an early night.


Sunday, 5 May 2024


Woke up at the ungodly hour of 02:00 and finished dressing and packing up in eight minutes, what a record! Left after I’d had some drink and checked my social media and made my way to the bus stop at 02:23, feeling a bit apprehensive but then I saw there were still a few people including groups of girls on the streets. The GoBus vehicle arrived at 02:39 and we arrived at the airport just before 05:00. I quickly joined the queue to check in (chaotic, everyone was everywhere but alhamdulillah I saw the shorter queue) then went in to the boarding area. I performed prayers in the nursery (Alhamdulillah for nurseries!) then waited for the flight. Flight took off slightly later as the airline had to get a drunk passenger off the airport bus. Then some moron sat in my seat (honestly, couldn’t he tell that A would be right by the window and his actual seat, B, was in the middle?! You gotta wonder at the intelligence of these travellers) and I admonished him. We landed in Osh after 06:00 and I killed time at the airport before taking a marshrutka to the guest house (Gulshada, my hostess, informed me marshrutkas started running after 07:00). Alhamdulillah, Gulshada allowed me to leave my bag there (she had earlier informed me that there’d be extra charge for early check-in) and she advised me to go to the bazaar today as it closes on Mondays. So after joining her for breakfast and exchanging our brief life stories, I set off for and walked all the way to Sulaiman-Too and climbed it. Spent some time at the top before going down. I then walked to Jayma Bazaar which sits on the site of a large market from the Silk Road days over two thousand years ago and browsed the stalls and stores. It had started raining then and I was glad to seek refuge in the bazaar. I walked from one end of the bazaar to the other end and there are even layers of shops on both sides of the main artery of the bazaar. The bazaar has also expanded to the new bazaar across the river. I finally stopped to have lunch: some meat soup with bread. Then I walked out of the bazaar and around the area before returning to the guest house. Today, I walked 14.9 km or 21,700 steps.

Views of Osh city

It actually rained early in the evening and lasted well into the night. There were also thunders but nothing as loud as what we have back home.


Monday, 6 May 2024


I left the guest house late today and made my way to the city centre. First, I headed for the Mosque of Rabat Abdul Khan, allegedly the oldest mosque in Osh and built as a tribute to 16th century Rabat Abdul Khan. It’s just next to Oshskiy Oblastnoy Muzey Izobrazitel’nykh Iskusstv, an art museum. I went into the mosque compound but was not allowed to enter the mosque itself by a man who surprisingly could speak English. Then I walked to Osh State University, entering its grounds. Earlier I saw some graduates in their gown so there may be a graduation ceremony going on although I didn’t see any more students in their robes walking around.


Mosque of Rabat Abdul Khan

I walked on along Lenin Avenue to the Main Square (it was closed for renovation though) with another monument to Lenin. The city administration building is across from Main Square. I walked on to the nearby Toktugul Park before turning back. I also decided to change my remaining Kazakhstani Tenge into Krygystani Som (as I reckon a return trip to Kyrgyzstan with its parks would be more likely than a return trip to Kazakhstan); the rate was horrible but at least I won’t have excess KZT like I have Georgian Lari which I couldn’t sell outside the country.


I knew Gulshada said that the bazaar was closed today so I headed to the new bazaar. Most stalls were closed but there were some that were operating. I walked on before turning to find Globus Hypermarket. Then I turned back to the new bazaar and walked on and on until I found a place to have my late lunch. I had laghman again, this time with more gravy which is the way I prefer it. It was so good and cost less than half of  what I paid at Café Faiza in Bishkek! I also bought some buns for the following day.


I then returned to the guesthouse and started packing before resting.


Tuesday, 7 May 2024


Another early start today. I woke up at 03:45, freshened up, performed ablutions and performed prayers. I had asked Gulshada to help arrange a cab for me for 04:30 and the cab arrived at 04:35. I hugged Gulshada and thanked her for hosting me then left. The ride took only ten minutes. There were lines queuing up to check in and all seemed chaotic except for one row and I headed for that. Then there was another confusion before we were allowed to proceed to passport control because there was another early flight bound for Moscow. After going through passport control and security check, I went in to wait.


We were soon called to board the bus to the plane. The time difference between Turkey and Kyrgyzstan had somehow slipped my mind and it was during mid-flight when I realised it would be a five-hour-and forty-minute flight. What a long flight! And I would be spending the whole day in airports so it was a long day too!


We landed at Istanbul Sabiha Airport and I followed the lane for international transfer. Then I sat down and cleared my emails and read while whiling away the time. At 13:00, I went to the prayer room for prayers before making my way to the gate.

Leaving Istanbul

We landed at Bologna Airport at 15:30v and as we were descending, I thought of how much I loved Italy. It took a while to disembark and then when we finally did, we had to queue for more than an hour to clear passport control! It was the first time that my bag was out waiting for me instead of the other way around. If you want to fill up your water bottle, there’s a water dispenser in the baggage claim area and another near RyanAir check-in counters.

At Bologna Airport

I had visited Bologna before and while I wouldn’t mind visiting it again, I didn’t feel like dragging my bag behind me. I would also have to pay to use the washroom in the city and face problems finding a place to perform prayers (on my first visit, I performed prayers at the basement of a halal Indian restaurant). So I decided to just stay in the airport and only board bus no. 944 to Bologna Centrale at 00:45 to minimise the time I would have to spend at the bus station.

To be continued