Friday, May 17, 2024

Spring Vacation: Part I

I had initially asked my mate if she wanted to travel together with me in end-April/early May 2024. She agreed at first but had to pull out when her car had some problems and she had to send it for repair. I dithered on going at first then decided heck, just go! After all, it’s not as if this would be my first solo trip anyway. I did have my apprehension mainly because of the language barrier but I prayed that Allah would ease my affairs throughout.

Friday, 26 April 2024


I made my way to the airport from the office and reached it in good time. We boarded on time but only took off an hour later than scheduled as the plane waited for ten passengers joining from Phuket. As a result, we landed at Tashkent later than scheduled and my bag as usual came out late. I was fidgeting and anxious as I had another international flight to make. By the time the bag came out, I had less than an hour to make my next flight. And would you believe it, there is another separate building for departure and there was a construction between the arrival and departure buildings. A kind man helped show me the way and I had to go through the pre-entry security check before I could enter the building.


I hurried to the check-in desk - I had checked in online but the electric ticket could not be issued and besides I needed to drop off my bag. The counter had closed but there were two airline staff there and I pleaded to the bloke behind one of it and said my flight from Kuala Lumpur was delayed. He took pity on me and allowed me to drop off my bag, checking it all the way to Astana. I then went through passport control to exit Uzbekistan, this barely ninety minutes since I went through the process to enter the country. You see, I bought separate tickets on Batik Air and Air Astana, hence why I couldn’t check my bag all the way from Kuala Lumpur to Astana. This option didn’t appear on any search engine like Expedia or Skyscanner.


Saturday, 27 April 2024


We boarded a bus to the plane and took off on time. I was dozing off when I was awakened by the cabin crew distributing sandwich and drinks. I asked for a cuppa. We landed at Almaty on time and had to board a bus to the terminal. I was surprised to see the headwear worn by the border police as the brims were so wide not unlike those worn in socialist countries even though it’s an authoritarian republic now.


After clearing passport control, I went up to departure level and went directly to the boarding gate. I waited first at another gate which was close to the Devotional Room and waited for pre-dawn prayers. After prayers, I went to my gate. The locals look Oriental with lighter coloured hair. And they are so trusting. One bloke asked me to watch over his charging laptop while he went to the gents’ and another lady asked me to look after her bag while she went to the ladies’. They probably thought I was local.


We had to board yet another bus to the plane. It was cold then. Well, it was barely six a.m.. There are mountain ranges in the distance and everything looked beautiful and peaceful. We took off on time and landed at Astana at 07:20. I went to freshen up and then changed money. The rate was KZT442 for every USD and I found out later that the same rate applied in the city too (I did find one offering KZT443 for every USD in the city). I went out to find the bus stop and asked a local about the bus ticket. He helped to ask the driver but was told I couldn’t pay my fare in cash as the bus operator wanted to cut down on corruption. The chap kindly paid for my fare for me and refused any payment in return. It was 8C then and I only packed my hoodie for the trip.


Two buses run from the airport to the city and I took no. 12 bus as it would pass the building where my hostel was. The trip took 40 minutes. After navigating my way around the building, I finally reached the Place Astana Hostel at 08:40 thereabouts and the hostess was kind enough to let me check in early.


The Northern Lights residential buildings. My hostel is located at level 22 of the lowest tower of the three

I ventured out after 10:00 and walked first to Asia Park Mall to find the bus ticket vending machine but the machine only sold in sets of ten for KZT1,000 so I didn’t buy it in the end. Then I walked to Baiterek, passing Nur Sultan Mosque and the National Archives. There are many unusual looking buildings in the Yesil area. I walked up to the House of Ministries and Presidential Palace. After a brief rest, I walked across the bridge to the pyramid-shaped Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. The huge Hazrat mosque is some few hundred metres away. I also saw the National Museum but had walked enough by then to venture in.

Baiterek. And yes, that was how blue the sky was then. No photoshop, no edits or retouch here
Downtown Astana

I turned back and headed back to the hostel. I came out again to change more money and buy some bread then spent the rest of the day indoors. I slept alone in the four-bed girls’ dormitory tonight. Walked a total of 32,683 steps or 22.8 km today. Whoa.


Sunday, 28 April 2024


Woke up for morning prayers then tried to sleep again. I left later today as I didn’t want to leave when it was still cold. I headed to the other side of Astana to Khan Shatyr, the uniquely shaped shopping mall before turning to Astana Opera. I then walked on past the Triumph Astana Residential Complex. I walked on to the river and then along the river embankment. After crossing Atyrau Bridge, I walked along the other side of the river until I reached the pedestrian bridge which I crossed over and walked through a park back to the hostel. There were many people in the park with their families, enjoying rides or walking around enjoying the early spring day. Today was a windy day with hazy sunshine.


Khan Shatyr
Triumph Astana Residential Complex
Atyrau Bridge

I stayed in for the rest of the day, tuning in to the North London derby, reading and packing. Later in the evening, the hostess messaged me informing someone was coming to check in and not to lock the door.


I had an early night tonight as I had an early start the following morning. Walked 12.5 km or 17,528 steps today.


Monday, 29 April 2024


I woke up after 2 and couldn’t sleep. I finally got up to perform prayers and freshen up. I had a very early breakfast, after 05:20 and left at 05:55. However, I discovered that bus no. 12 only started its trip at 06:52 so I turned back and asked the hostess to call for YandexGo cab for me. It arrived within minutes. The fare was KZT2,150 but the driver gave me 100 tenge discount as I didn’t have any more small change. Bless him.


I dropped off my bag at SCAT Airlines counter and went in. The flight took off on time but we waited a while before the door was finally opened when we arrived at Shymkent. The arrival was pretty basic and not unlike the domestic airport in Yangon. After getting my bag, I went to the departure building to use the facilities.


I then approached a couple of businessmen and asked for help. One of them spoke some English and helped browse YandexGo. He then helped arrange a cab for me to Autovokzal Samal (bus station) for KZT1,600 (the driver gave me 100 tenge discount too as both him and I hadn’t got small change). I then went to find a marshrutka to Turkistan. There were others who offered to take me for KZT2,000 but I ignored them. Alhamdulillah, I found one that charged KZT1,500. The airport cabbie wanted to charge me KZT5,000 from Shymkent Airport to Samal bus station and then another vehicle to Turkistan. Sorry, I may need those KZT2,000 for something else.

Soaring over Kazakhstan
In the marshrutka from Shymkent to Turkistan

It didn’t take long for the marshrutka to fill up and we left within fifteen minutes. It took less than two hours to reach the mausoleum. I walked the grounds to Mausoleums of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and Rabia Sultan Begum, the former a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Yes, this is one reason why I flew all the way to Shymkent and travelled on to Turkistan. While the buildings took my breath away, I couldn’t help wondering how much was restored because they looked quite new.


Anyway, I was trying to take a photo and backing when I suddenly fell, it turned out that clumsy me had bumped into a bench and I fell down and hurt my left wrist. I was shaking a bit and had to sit down for a bit. A nice angry bump quickly formed and after a while, I doused my wrist with cold water as I was lacking any ice. I paid 500 tenge to enter Mausoleum Khoja Ahmed Yasawi then went to find a bathroom to perform ablutions. I couldn’t find any nearby so I walked to Masjid Khoja Ahmad Yasawi for prayers and stayed until 17:50. It was just too hot to walk out and about. I walked to the nearby Karavan Saray, a sprawling shopping mall with manmade canal and pool. But I didn’t linger and then went to approach the tourist police asking how to get to the train station. I was advised to take bus number 6 just across the road for 70 tenge. I asked if they had change for my note and they came up with 140 tenge in coins for me. How helpful and kind!


The bus came ten minutes later and dropped me off at the station, but it was actually the bus station. I went to ask a shopkeeper and he helped me by asking his friend. He even wrote down in Kazakh the directions and waited for the bus with me. Bus no. 15 came and I boarded it. Thank God the tourist police gave me twice the fare amount needed because I needed to change buses.


I arrived at the station at around 7 p.m. and proceeded to wait there until after midnight. Walked 9 km or 14,069 steps today.

To be continued