Tuesday, June 01, 2021



We’ll get locked down, but we’ll get up again

You are never gonna keep us down

We’ll get locked down, but we’ll get up again

You are never gonna keep us down


Screw you, COVID-10, all the incompetent politicians and all those stubborn Covidiots who still went back to their hometown for Eid and helped make the situation worse than it ever was. Screw the application process for the vaccination which made feel like I was going to war, frantically trying to secure a slot for myself. Alhamdulillah, I managed to do that within minutes but many of my colleagues didn’t manage to. A mate likened it to Hunger Games (I didn’t watch the movie but a colleague forced the trilogy on me and telling myself to keep an open mind, I read them all).


Stay safe, stay well, stay healthy and stay sane, everyone. Oh, and stay home too. Good luck to us all with our respective issues and challenges. May Allah ease our affairs, amen. And may Allah punish those useless politicians who couldn’t make up their mind on the best course of action for the country and its people, and those Covidiots for leaving death in their wake.