Thursday, January 17, 2019
I Dreamed Of Africa: Part IV
27 December 2018
We woke up early and finished packing. We checked
out the hotel at 06:00 and walked over to Shell pump station. We had to queue
at the office first to get baggage tags for our bags then having got the bag
tags, we went to load our bags into the baggage container before boarding the
coach. The coach left at 06:45.
It took a while to clear immigration at the South
African side. We had to collect our bags which someone had dumped and bring
them to another bus. Thankfully we managed to find a couple of seats at the
lower deck for ourselves. We stopped at a big rest area after an hour or so
into South Africa. The bus let off some passengers at Pretoria first before
continuing on to Johannesburg. We had to stop at a Shell pump station outside
Johannesburg as bus had issues with starting and waited 30 minutes for the
replacement bus. I sat next to a white woman who reluctantly let me sit next to
her although she was invading into my personal space from the way she
positioned herself. There was a white man across the aisle but he had his fancy
DSLR camera on the seat next to him and he didn’t offer to pick up his camera.
Welcome to South Africa where the privileged white minority control the
economy, politics and country and the others are treated like second- or even
third-class people.
The bus arrived at Park Station at 15:10. We went
into the station building and I decided someone should stay with the bags while
the other went to change money. HI went up to the money changer and returned
about 20 minutes later. We then went to find information and it was a good
thing we did that as we were told by the ladies at the info counter that it was
dangerous for us to walk out as we would be attacked and mugged. One of them
explained that it was a ‘quiet’ or low season what with people being away for
holidays and we would be ideal victims for preying thugs. Whoa. I read that
Jo’burg has a high crime rate but I didn’t expect it to be that.
One of the ladies then accompanied us out and led
us to a waiting cab. She introduced us to the cabbie as her uncle or some kin
and the elderly uncle drove us to our Airbnb on Loveday Street. The cab fare
cost us a hefty USD10! Our apartment is on the eighth floor (thank God there
was a lift!) and we went into the big apartment. I had opted to stay at Airbnb over
hotels as the two hotels I earlier set my eyes on were located slightly further
from the centre. We could see Gandhi Square from the kitchen windows. The
apartment didn’t have any fan or air-conditioner so I messaged the Airbnb hosts
and before long, a porter came to deliver a fan.
View from the kitchen windows
We ventured out later in the afternoon to Gandhi
Square. Maybe we were still spooked by the ladies at the train info counter but
we were wary throughout and before long, HI suggested we return to the
apartment. We spotted Woolworth Supermarket and headed there to buy some
groceries before returning to the apartment.
We had a good rest that evening.
Friday, 28 December 2018
I had fantasised going to Pretoria today but HI
pointed out that she had checked we needed transportation even in the city so
we ventured out after 09:00. The banks were opened today and we went to check
the buses at Gandhi Square. I had searched and found a bus to the airport but
we were told that no buses run during weekends. That’s strange, I thought,
surely all these people would still need to use the bus during weekends?
We then went to Reef Hotel on Anderson Street just
around the corner from the apartment and asked for any tours. Unfortunately,
tours had left for the day. We returned to the apartment feeling dejected.
After a while, we decided to brave it and went out to Johannesburg City Hall,
stopping en route at Beyers Naude Square. After that we walked up a few blocks
to Carlton Centre (the tallest building in Africa since 1973 and once the tallest
building in the southern hemisphere) where we paid for tickets to The Top Of
Africa. Now, most buildings in Jo’burg (that area at least) looked depressingly
old like you just stepped back into 1970s. On one hand, it was depressing that
most buildings looked that derelict but on the other hand, I marvelled at the
fact that even back in 1970s, the city already had many tall buildings. We paid
30 Rand each to get to level 50 (the building has 51 floors) – the lift took us
only 50 seconds! - for a panoramic bird’s eye view of the city. The other
visitors were mainly white and some Latin visitors. We spent about an hour
there before getting down.
City Hall
View from Top of Africa
You can see Gandhi Square and City Hall from here
We headed back to the apartment stopping en route
at Woolworth to get some food for lunch and dinner. We decided not to change
any more money so I paid for the purchases with my credit card.
We stayed in for the rest of the day.
Saturday, 29 December 2019
I woke to a foggy wet morning. We finished packing and left the
apartment after breakfast at around 09:00 and went down. We
asked Abram, the guard, to call Uber for us to the airport but we had problem
with the apps (it asked Abram’s PayPal and Facebook, both of which we didn’t
think he had and when I tried to key in my PayPal details instead, it didn’t work).
Luckily a woman came by and she helped us book a ride using her Taxify app. One
driver accepted our request instantly and would arrive within 3 minutes. The fare
turned out to be lower on Taxify too compared to Uber and if there were two of
you together, it makes more sense to take Taxify or Uber to the airport instead
of the Gautrain.
took us about 25 minutes to get to OR Tambo International Airport. We immediately
went to Cathay Pacific check-in counters and didn’t have to wait too long to
drop off our bags and get our boarding passes. We then went in and browsed some
duty-free shops to finish our Rand (we had not shopped at all on this trip
except for those Woolworth trips). After that we walked to Shongololo Lounge to
rest. The food provided at the lounge was good and plentiful.
boarded the plane at 11:45 and I settled into my seat. The flight was full and
as I wanted to sit nearer the front, I had to settle to sit two seats away from
the aisle. It was noisy at times with Cantonese and Mandarin conversation. I sat
reading Ken Follett’s Edge of Eternity. I couldn’t sleep as usual and was determined
anyway to finish the book.
30 December 2018
landed at Hong Kong International Airport just before 07:00 and went through
the transfer process before heading to our next gate. It had been a while since
I was last there (2012) and the airport seemed bigger than before. Either that
or we had a long way to walk form our gate where we disembarked. We boarded the
plane at 07:45 and I immediately dozed. I woke up to a quarrel among the
passengers in the back row of the middle four-seat and the cabin crew trying to
control them. Just because one can fly is no guarantee that one has manners or social
landed at KLIA at 12:30 and our bags came out very early. I travelled into the
city to drop off my backpack for repair at my cobbler and only reached home after
16:00 in the hot afternoon.
that was my end of the year trip. If I manage to go to South Africa again, I’ll
be sure to visit Cape Town, insyaAllah.
1/17/2019 01:49:00 pm
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
I Dreamed Of Africa: Part III
25 December 2018
early start today. As much as it had been too short a stay, we had to leave
Victoria Falls as we needed to catch up with our itinerary. We checked out at
05:30 and the cabbie we rode with yesterday arrived at 05:35 and drove us to
Victoria Falls Bus Terminus. It looked deceptively close on the map but we
drove more than seven minutes to get there. We paid USD5 for the cab and asked
the cabbie to help buy tickets for us to Bulawayo. There was only operator
anyway: Extracity Bus. The cabbie bought the tickets, I don’t know how much he
paid for them but we gave him USD10 each.
06:00 bus finally left at 06:37 and we drove through
the Zimbabwean countryside. Unlike in Zambia where we passed towns after towns,
the bus stopped practically anywhere. Some stops didn’t look like there was any
civilisation nearby and yet there were people disembarking and embarking. Oh we
did stop at a few big towns which still had commerce despite it being Christmas
Day. And Zimbabwe was so green! Yes, you do see the dry ground that was
thirsting for the rain but otherwise, it was green. And I must say the roads
were mainly good.
I went down twice to find a washroom
and was so shocked to discover a goat in one of the toilet cubicles that I
changed my mind about using it. I don’t know what I would have done if it was a
warthog instead of a goat! The next stop had me running down the bus again and, again, there were no doors on the cubicles, just like some toilets in China. I
went to the furthest cubicle and prayed hard that no one would peek in. Well,
needs must.
We finally arrived at Bulawayo bus
station at 13:40, well, it wasn’t a bus station at all but where some buses
stopped (it would probably qualify more as a bus stop, except that there was no
bus stop sign). We quickly changed buses and boarded J. H. Zikhale Motorways
bus for Francistown. We paid USD10/person again and the conductor told us the
bus was going all the way to Gaborone which was our destination and we could
travel with the bus all the way and pay an extra USD10. Nevertheless, we
decided to stick to our original plan of taking the night train from
Francistown to Gaborone as we could sleep on the train. It was then when we
realised that ‘African time’ applies over there: a 06:30 bus will not leave on
time, a 06:00 bus will depart later and so on. The bus finally left and it
started raining pretty heavily shortly after we left Bulawayo. We reached the
Plumtree border control an hour later and the earlier rain made the temperature
somewhat milder and more tolerable. We had to offload our bags and leave them by
the road. It was here where we chatted with a couple of young Zambian men who
told us they were going camping. Between the two of them, they had one gigantic
suitcase with a broken handle and one large duffel bag.
After clearing border control, we
reloaded our bags and boarded the bus again and got down a few minutes later at
Ramokgwebana Border Post. Again, we had to take down our bags and set them
aside. After clearing passport control, we collected our bags and walked
through the custom. A beautiful Botswanan lady approached us and welcomed us.
It turned out that she was a custom officer (she wasn’t dressed in uniform
though) and asked us to dip our shoes into a small container of water to get
remove any insects that may have clung to our shoe soles. I’m not sure how
effective this was but kept it to myself. Next we had to open our bags for manual inspection before
we were let through. Then we had to walk about 100 metres to the bus.
We reached Francistown after 17:00.
The bus stopped at a car dealership which was next to a pump station and we got
down. After taking our bags, we asked for directions to the train station. A guard at the car dealership discouraged us from taking the train. He said we
had to be careful as we could be robbed on our way to the station. Whoa, I
thought Botswana was the safest countries of the four that we were visiting. I
left HI to talk to him and hurried to the washroom.
We finally decided to continue with the
bus to Gaborone but we now had to pay BWP120/person for our ticket which was more than USD10. So I
paid in USD and received Pula in return. We settled in and tried to rest. It was a
good thing the bus was not full as we got to stretch out in the seats. But the
driver put on very loud music throughout like it was a moving karaoke bus and
it was miraculous if anyone could sleep at all.
We finally reached Gaborone at
midnight. I was surprised that we actually reached it on time considering the
African time that the driver observed.
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
I only booked hotel for one night in
Gaborone and as we were pondering what to do and where to go, the driver told
us we could stay and sleep in the bus. We decided this would be safer – being
in the bus instead of out and about at midnight in a foreign African city – so after
consulting the two Zambian boys, we gratefully accepted the driver’s offer. If
the Zambian boys had decided to leave, we might have left too. Safety in
numbers and all that. I had read that Gaborone is a very safe city but still, I
wasn’t about to go wandering at midnight when I had just arrived. I moved seats
to a three-seater and stretched out. There was a window open to let the air in
– and after a short while, the mosquitoes too. I covered my face with my shawl
and tried to sleep. I must have managed somehow despite the situation and the
noisy buzz of mosquitoes.
When I woke up, it was already light
and consulting my watch, I determined it was just after 05:00. I slowly sat up
and checked that the others were already awake. We stayed in the bus for a
little while before going down. One of the bus staff came and we asked him to
open the luggage compartment for us to get our bags and after getting our bags,
we parted ways with the Zambian boys. A cab arrived disgorging passengers and we
took it to Cresta President Hotel. We arrived at the hotel just after 06:00 and
after paying the cabbie 30 Pula, we went in to the check-in counter. To our
surprise and delight, we were allowed to check in that early (woohoo!) and we
went up to our room gratefully.
rested for a while and having showered and freshened up, went out to the Main
Mall behind the hotel. We headed first to the Shell station on the other side
of Main Mall. This is where we were to wait for the bus to our next and final
destination the following morning. After having determined the stop, we went to
find a tour operator but alas, all offices were closed. We walked up and down Main
Mall (it was really just two long parallel blocks of buildings sandwiching a
public rectangle) until we reached Nando’s where HI declared she wanted to sit
down and have breakfast. Oh, the restaurants around Main Mall serve halal food
(except for the pizzeria) and by halal food, I mean halal chicken. Nando’s had
opened but it would only operate at 10:00 so I wandered off alone. It was about
09:30 then and already felt like noon! It was so hot, hot, hot and bright. I
walked along Pula Circle then came to the National Museum and Art Gallery
(alas, also closed although when I read the info board, it was only supposed to
close during Easter, Ascension Day and Christmas Day. I took some pictures
before returning to Nando’s.
At the Main Mall. The locals call Gaborone by its short name ‘Gabs’
Outside the National Museum and Art Gallery
that, we went back to the hotel and asked the lady at reception if she could
help contact some places where we could visit. We were told that the Gaborone
Game Reserve was fully booked for the day. The Lion Park contains a theme park,
water park and animal park so we decided it was not a priority and the lady
promised to help us contact Mokolodi Nature Reserve and let us know. I decided
to check out the supermarkets and shops again and went out alone. I bought some
vegetarian pasta from a supermarket before returning to the room.
lady at the reception rang our room phone and told us that we could visit
Mokolodi Nature Reserve and the available slot was at 14:00. We would need to
take a cab there and the hotel arranged for a cab and driver who would wait for
us until we finished. It cost almost USD100 for both of us, the bulk being the
cab and driver’s time.
rested before leaving the hotel at 13:00. The cabbie came shortly after and led
us to the vehicle and we drove the 20 km or so to Mokolodi. The cabbie told us that
the rich people stayed on the way to the reserve and pointed out some sprawling
properties. We arrived just before 13:30 and went to pay 150 Pula each for our
14:00 game drive tour. I didn’t know it could get hotter but it did.
jeep came and we boarded it. We were the only ones on the 14:00 game drive tour
and it took us close to two hours. We saw a lot of animals: female kudu, a
small impala, a scrub hare hopping away, warthogs, giraffes either resting or
eating, groups of zebras, more giraffes, a glimpse of ostriches, Oryx and
impala and waterbucks. We were at first told not to expect too much as it was
the hottest part of the day and the animals would normally be resting then but Alhamdulillah,
we managed to view some so we left feeling very satisfied.
Lake Gwithian (man-made)
asked the driver to show us one of the mosques in Gaborone and he obligingly
took us to Masjid Un Noor but a man came out and asked what we were doing there
and did not allow us to take pictures. The cabbie still slowed down outside the
mosque compound to enable us to take pictures, bless him. We reached the hotel
at 16:30.
We ventured out again at 18:30,
thankfully it was no longer as hot and bright then, and walked to Caravela Portuguese Restaurant. To our disappointment, we found that it was closed until
14 January 2019). We turned back and stopped by Brackendene Lodge (we read that
it served halal food) and asked at the restaurant. The cook opened her fridge
and freezer and informed us she could only offer us fish and chips. We were
leaving when the husband-wife owners arrived. The wife saw us and called out
Salam to us so we turned back and chatted with them. They were South Africans
from Cape Town but live in Gaborone. Then they called their daughter Nihahl and
next thing we knew, we found ourselves invited to dinner. We reluctantly
accepted and followed them in their MPV to Caffe Fego. They sent us back to the
hotel and we reached the hotel at 21:30.
Brackendene Lodge. The owners and their daughter
had been a long day albeit more relaxing than it had been the preceding few
days and we had an early morning bus the following day so we retired not long
be continued
1/15/2019 01:50:00 pm
Friday, January 11, 2019
I Dreamed Of Africa: Part II
23 December 2018
woke up at least twice to use the washroom and finally got up to perform
ablutions and morning prayers. The prayer room was very small and we had to
queue or contend with performing prayers in cramped space. After prayers, we
decided to stretch our legs and walk slowly to our gate. And it was a good
thing too as we had to take a train to our gate. DXB is huge alright. The
Airbnb host in Lusaka had also responded and agreed to have their sister meet
us at the airport and bring us to their apartment. We also agreed on the amount
to be paid for the apartment and transfer. Alhamdulillah, at least our
accommodation in Lusaka was sorted.
boarded at 08:30. I was unfortunate to be sitting in the middle seat next to a
big girl and I prayed my bladder would hold. I was confused throughout the
flight when I saw the duration to destination as it was shorter than I
expected. When we landed in Lusaka (yes, Lusaka, not Harare), I got up and
found HI already waiting for me a few rows ahead. It turned out that the Emirates
flight bound for Harare stops at Lusaka en route to Harare. We asked a man in
uniform if we could get down instead of flying to Harare and catching another
flight back to Lusaka and if we could get our bags out. He said yes so we went
down, went through passport control and then on to wait for our bags. HI was
unhappy with Emirates for not informing us the plane would stop at Lusaka en
route; had we known, we would have arranged to disembark there and not purchase
the one-way ticket for extra cost.
bags didn’t appear after some time although HI’s bag had emerged so I went to
the baggage desk to inform. The lady at the counter examined our boarding
passes and consulted a colleague who was an Emirates staff. This other
colleague then made some phone calls before telling us we should not have
disembarked. She said we should have stayed on the plane and flown to Harare
and then fly back to Lusaka. She further informed that by disembarking, we
posed security risks (say what?!) and that she would bring us to the airport
police station and we were to wait there until the plane safely arrived in
Lusaka. What the -? By this point, we decided we would just do anything as long
as we were thrown into a prison cell. She went to make copies of our boarding
passes before coming back to escort us to the police station.
Lusaka Airport
police station was a gloomy place and the police looked surprised to see us.
The Emirates staff who accompanied us explained the situation and the way the
policewoman responded indicated she didn’t understand why we had to be there
and why the police had to keep an eye on us. Her colleague told us to make
ourselves comfortable but the seats looked anything but. Then the Emirates
staff received a call on her mobile phone and when she ended the call, told us
we had to re-board the plane and for us to hurry. So we hurried after her with
our bags, quickly dropped our checked in bags at the check-in counter,
underwent security checks (two of them) and rushed to the tarmac. We had to
walk up to the plane and I could see the unfriendly unhappy faces of the cabin
crew waiting for us. One man asked why we disembarked so we told him that we
had checked with a staff and were told we could do so. Did he really think we
would be so stupid or so arrogant as to just walk off the plane like that
without consulting if we could so first? Duh!
settled into the first available seats we could find and buckled up. The plane
took off and we reached Harare about 40 minutes later. There was confusion when
we arrived as we searched for the transfer gate. We asked a few officers and
were told to wait aside so we did. And we waited and waited. Finally I asked a
passing gentleman and he looked surprised. He said the plane bound for Lusaka
was from Lusaka (yes, didn’t we know all about that) and wondered aloud why we
came all the way to Harare and had to return back on the same plane (albeit on
a different flight number) back to Lusaka. Yes, it does sound strange but try
telling Emirates that.
landed back at Lusaka at 20:20. Deena, the sister to the Airbnb hosts, was already waiting for us.
She drove to Airbnb apartment and showed us around. We paid her USD35 for the pick-up
service and USD35 for the apartment. It had been a long challenging day and I
was not happy to discover my clothes were all wet when I opened my suitcase. It
turned out that a water bottle broke in suitcase and I had to remove all the clothes
and dry them. By this time, too many things had happened and I just took my
clothes out listlessly and spread them around the bed and on the sofa in the
living room. After a quick shower, I settled in bed and tried to sleep.
Monday, 24 December 2018
had a restless sleep and woke up twice. I went to check on my clothes and
turned them. They were drying at least. I finally got up at 04:10 and went to
re-pack my clothes back into my suitcase. Then I woke HI and we got ready.
a quick breakfast, we were ready to leave. I brought my bags down (the
apartment would have to be at the top floor of course and there was no lift)
and asked the guard if the cab had arrived (Deena had asked him the previous
evening to help all a cab for us at 05:30). One finally came (it didn’t look
like a cab at all) and I was surprised to find two passengers already in the
car. We had to load the bags with us into the back seats (at least the foot
area was wide enough to accommodate the bags) and drove to the inter-city bus
the map, the inter-city bus station is only a fifteen-minute walk away but
because of the one-way roads from the apartment, it seemed further. There was a
swarm of people around the cab asking our destination and the cabbie helped us
find a bus to Livingstone. I had to change USD25 as the ticket office didn’t
accept USD. The bus ticket to Livingstone cost us 200 kwacha each and although we were told it would leave at 06:30, the bus
only moved at 07:10. There was a bottleneck leading out of the bus station and
there was a preacher chanting prayers loudly in the bus. We stopped at Muzugawa
to use the facilities (surprisingly clean). We also passed the towns of Monze,
Choma (where we had a 10-minute stop), Zimba before we finally arrived at Livingstone
at 15:00. From the bus station, we took a cab to the border for USD10 each
although I paid him 70 kwacha and USD5. We then went through passport control and
the cabbie drove us across the bridge. Sadly, we couldn’t see any of the Falls
or indeed any water at all. It was a hot day and the summer rains hadn’t
arrived. We cleared passport control on the Zimbabwean side then took another cab
to N1 Hotel for USD10.
Lusaka inter-city bus terminal
Choma town. The sellers rushed to the bus as it was approaching. Passengers can buy produce from their window
We checked in and rested for a while
before venturing out. Unfortunately, we were unlucky not to be able to view or
even get near the Victoria Falls. The Lookout Café had burnt down the same
morning so we couldn’t even go near the café (area had been cordoned off) and
have a view of the Falls. What bad luck.
There was a KFC restaurant next to a
pump station near our hotel and it served halal chicken. However, the prices
were much higher than in Malaysia. We returned back to the hotel and had some
soup and bread. There was a strong wind that evening which then led to a
blackout all over town. It had been a long day of travelling and as there
wasn’t much we could do anyway due to the power outage, we had an early night.
Besides, we had an early start the next morning.
To be continued
1/11/2019 06:11:00 pm
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
I Dreamed Of Africa: Part I
plan was conceived in October 2018 when my senior back at uni, HI, contacted me
to ask if I had year-end travel plans as she wanted to join me. I was still
mulling my options and after a lengthy discussion and contacting some travel
agents, we decided in favour of Africa over another country. Believe it or not,
our return air fare and indeed the total cost of our trip was less than
visiting this other country! I drew up the itinerary and after firming it up,
set about with searching for accommodation – those within walking distance of
inter-city bus stations. Air tickets were bought only on 1 December after we
agreed to depart on Thursday, 20 December, instead of Friday, 21 December.
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Déjà vu
left for KLIA late from KL Sentral as I left my watch in the office and my mate
returned to fetch and send it to me. HI was already waiting in the regional
airline lounge so I had some late supper. We then received text messages saying
the gate for our flight to SIN from where we were supposed to catch the
connecting flight to Harare had been changed (twice) and were not amused to
find that our flight had been retimed. We calculated and determined we were
going to cut it real close when we arrived in SIN to go to the transfer desk
and get our boarding passes for the connecting flights (for some reason, we
could not get our Ethiopian Airlines boarding passes at KLIA). I remarked to HI
that this was eerily similar to my delayed flight to Iran on 21 December 2016.
Friday, 21 December 2018
Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men...
flight was finally ready for boarding way after the rescheduled ETD. When we
got to the top of the queue, the system could not read our tickets and instead
displayed ‘not allowed to board’. It turned out that there were 18 passengers
(only two of us Malaysians, the rest were African) could not board because
Ethiopian Airlines refused to wait for us. We had to wait for our bags to be
offloaded and we couldn’t rearrange an alternative flight (it was way past
02:00 then) as the Amadeus system was down. Where normally I might have flown
off the handle (pun intended), I took my cue from HI who remained calm and
tried to negotiate for an alternative with the MAB staff. Finally we were told
that we would be given a room at Sama Sama Hotel at the airport and we could go
to the ticketing counter early the following morning to sort out our travel
plans, and then get our bags at Baggage Services. So we wearily made our way to
the hotel and checked in. As I didn’t have any change of clothes, I wrapped
myself in the hotel towel and went to sleep.
woke up a mere three hours later and had a shower before performing prayers. We
then made our way to the Ticketing Counter (next to the Transfer Counter) and
stood there for almost two hours. The earliest we could fly out was initially
just after midnight on Sunday, 23 December, before the connecting flight
(EK713) to Harare but we subsequently managed to change our flight to Saturday
evening, flying Emirates. A long layover at Dubai awaited us as we still needed
to catch the same EK713 to Harare but we thought at least we’d be half-way on
our way instead of still being stuck in KL. We also managed to change hotels to
Putrajaya Marriott Hotel. For some reason, it is not usual to put Malaysians
who are experience delayed flights at Hotel Sama Sama.
returned to the hotel for breakfast before checking out. After breakfast, we
headed to Baggage Services at level 3 which is near the bag carousels. We were
there for more than an hour but the staff couldn’t locate our bags. We filed
our respective reports and were told to call the Baggage Services not later
than 22:00 to find out the status. I was starting by then to wonder if our trip
was not to be. Still, we decided to make the best out of everything and decided
to go to Marriott and rest.
went down to level 1 and a lady approached me asking if we were the two
stranded passengers. We had to wait while she located the company who would be
transporting us to Putrajaya Marriott. The driver showed up about ten minutes
later and it took us 30 minutes to reach the hotel. We checked in and asked for
adjoining rooms, put our meagre belongings in our rooms then went down again
for lunch. I must say that all that waiting and queuing really gave us a good
appetite. After lunch, we headed back to our rooms to work out an alternative
plan to our trip which had now been set back by more than two days. HI found
that there was an Emirates flight from Harare to Lusaka so we decided we would
check at the airport on Saturday if we could check our bags through to Lusaka.
We also tried calling Baggage Services but the two numbers we had were either
engaged or went unanswered. I then contacted my sister and updated her of what
had happened, where I was and if she could come to visit and bring change of
clothes. She said she would come later in the day so I went to rest. I wanted
to sleep as I was knackered but my worry about our trip kept me awake. I also decided to cancel the hotel and Airbnb reservations in Harare and Lusaka respectively. The booking in Livingstone was non-refundable though.
sister and family came at 18:30 and we walked around the hotel before going to
my room where I realised I had a missed call from Baggage Services and
Alhamdulillah, they managed to locate our bags (they had gone to Singapore!)
and we would collect them when we returned to the airport the following
afternoon. My sister and family left after an hour and HI and I went to have
returned to our rooms and I laundered my clothes. I was too exhausted and was
in bed by 23:00.
22 December 2018
breakfast, I announced that I wanted to venture to the nearby IOI City Mall and
HI decided to come along. We missed the hotel shuttle so after arranging for
the return trip, we walked to the mall. It was just another unremarkable mall
and I left empty-handed. We came back to the hotel and rested before going for
lunch at 12:45. I never thought I’d say this but I had got quite bored with
hotel buffets by then.
prayers, we checked out. We had arranged with the front desk for a 15:00
transport service back to the airport. At the airport, we headed to level 2 and
obtained a security pass. We had to pay RM2 each for the pass. We then went to
the third floor and followed a corridor marked for staff which let out to the
baggage area. We had to undergo a security check before we were allowed
through. It was a brief wait at Baggage Services before we were reunited with
our checked in bags then we joined the arriving passengers to exit the baggage
area. Down we went back to level 2 to return the passes before heading up to
departure level. We then queued at the Emirates ticketing counter to enquire if
we could check our bags through to Lusaka before purchasing our one-way tickets
from Harare to Lusaka. This took a while and we were glad we left the hotel
checking in our bags, we went through security check and headed for the Golden
Lounge. I had a quick shower before having my meal. The Caesar salad was
delicious and the wan ton soup noodles were just what I needed. I also
sent a quick WhatsApp message to our Airbnb host in Lusaka telling them that we
were coming after all and if we could stay at their place without booking via
Airbnb all over again. We finished our meal then hurried
to the gate for our 19:10 flight. At last!
flight took off later than scheduled but hey, we were finally on our way. I
decided to perform prayers en route instead of waiting until we arrive so went
to perform ablutions.
landed in Dubai at 22:45 local time and had to take a bus to the terminal
building. We couldn’t access the Oneworld airport lounge as it was in Terminal
1 and we could not exit Terminal 3 but we managed to find reclining seats in an
area that wasn’t too bright. We then settled in and tried to sleep.
be continued
1/08/2019 01:39:00 pm
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
The Year That Was: 2018
2018 hasn’t been a great one personal-wise. It
was a year filled with heartache, disappointment, frustration, grief, anguish,
disillusionment and more. It was a challenging, frustrating, testing,
trying, tiring year for me. I also felt
abandoned, betrayed, neglected, cheated, taken for a ride, taken advantage of,
let down, lied to, manipulated, deceived by someone I thought I could trust. I
was and still am in equal parts worried and concerned over dad and angry at him
for not taking better care of himself when he was younger, the circumstances,
his failing health, and my brothers. I felt weary, tired, exhausted, beat,
knackered, emotionally spent, drained. I had to deal with work, dad, siblings,
managing/maintaining/cleaning two households, betrayal and deceit. There were
times when I just couldn’t take it anymore.
I also found myself often thinking of death of
late. Thinking of what the others will have to sift through settling my estate.
Thinking of my old age if I live that long, of care, assisted living, being
frail and dependent. Depressing, sombre thoughts. Of being alone but hey what
else is new? While being alone does not equate being lonely, it would be sad if
I were to die all alone. I heard of this one man who died and his body was only
discovered days later and all because he lived all by himself. I really hope
that won’t happen to me, ameen. Life sucks. Being an adult sucks. Being the
only single daughter to an aging increasingly frail dad sucks. Having
irresponsible brothers sucks. Being sick and growing old sucks. Being cheated
and deceived and lied to sucks.
there is one thing I re-learnt in 2018, it’s gratitude. I met two speakers who
stressed on being grateful for what we have. So I try to do that. Sure, my dad
is not well but at least he’s still mobile. He can walk using a cane. He can
still perform prayers and handle his own personal hygiene. He has an eye stroke
but he can still see from his other eye and he has taken up to driving to the
madrasah and neighbourhood shops. He has prostrate problem and uses a catheter
for the past year and while he has to go through the inconvenience of it
dangling next to him and replacing it every fortnight but hey at least it’s not
cancer. I have always practised gratitude but more on a larger scale and now I
look at all these little things that make me grateful.
yes, I’m thankful too that I now know more of human nature, having experienced
it first-hand. How some people can lie to you without flinching, betray you
without a second thought, cheat you, take you for a ride and just take you for
granted. At least it will give me some bitter experience and teach me a lesson.
Although I could do without all that, thank you very much.
course the year wasn’t all bad. And I still kept abreast of the developments in
Syria, Yemen, Palestine and other parts of the world. I’m not that selfish and
self-absorbed to think that I was the only one with personal problems, of
course not! There are many other people who have more pressing, critical and
serious problems than I do. And I still managed to squeeze in some trips too
and managed to visit eight new countries, alhamdulillah:
flew to Algiers at month-end
Came back from Algeria
Didn’t manage any trip ;(
Flew to Busan towards the end of the month
Came back from Busan on Labour Day
Didn’t manage any trip ;(
Celebrated my birthday in Nha Trang and went to meet Arsenal in Singapore
Didn’t manage any trip ;(
Went to the Caucasus (finally!) and then to Italy and back home via London.
Attended a department learning programme at eRya Bentong at month-end
Flew to Kota Bharu for a brief weekend visit to my niece
Went to Melaka for a short weekend visit to my mate and revisited Kuching (finally,
after a couple of years of planning) the following weekend
Flew to Zimbabwe and on to Zambia, Botswana and flew back from South Africa
bade farewell to Wenger and had a new manager come in. I’m not convinced yet
with Emery especially if we’re going to lose Ramsey and he can’t even manage
Ozil. I did go to Singapore to watch them in July although I have stopped being
emotionally invested and affected by them. There was a long period when I didn’t
watch them and it didn’t feel like my world changed much anyway.
managed to read 155 books compared to 150 books in 2016 and 2017, a record so
have jumped off the jogging bandwagon but am determined to pick it up again. I can’t
promise I will stop eating junk food but I will continue trying to eat
healthily otherwise. I want to live simply, consume less and experience more. I
want to take the lead and be a driver for change. I want to stand up for my
beliefs and challenge the dinosaur thoughts that some have when it comes to resource
Happy New Year 2019. May this year be better than the previous years. May this
year bring us all much joy, happiness, love, iman, peace, good health, wealth,
success, prosperity and good fortune. May we have enough trials and challenges
that build our courage and make us stronger instead of frustrating and
overwhelming us. May we be strong enough to face come what may, insyaAllah, and
may Allah keep us safe and in His care, ameen.
1/02/2019 05:47:00 pm
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