Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mad World

It has been six years and counting since the Syrian civil war started (truly, it’s a shame that it is still continuing on and that we keep on failing the Syrians). But on it goes and there was the chemical attack on 4 April – which Assad denied, but of course – and explosion last Saturday, 15 April. It doesn’t make sense that a power-mad crazy dictator who doesn’t think twice about mass murdering his own people is still allowed to stay in power and it’s shocking that the United Nations have not managed to do anything about it.

People say that Hitler was a crazy evil heartless sick bastard so I don’t see why Assad isn’t one either. How low can one get for forcing the evacuation of people from their homes and let them wait 40 hours without food, water and use of facilities, but instead got themselves bombed? Have we forgotten the Srenrenica massacre/genocide already? How we failed the Bosniaks and let more than 8,000 of them perish? I’m not belittling the attacks in Saint Petersburg, London, Stockholm and Dortmund at all but why isn’t more shock and anger and action poured into the situation in Syria?

@SiegeWatch project contact in Madaya struggled to describe his feelings as he faced the reality of being forced to leave his home forever


A little update: the Cat Man of Aleppo has opened a new cat sanctuary in Aleppo (yes, life goes on even in war-torn areas). He has also been asked to save what’s left of an Aleppo zoo, i.e., care for two tigers and two bears (there was a gazelle but it had died of starvation, poor creature). The owner is however refusing to allow the poor animals to be moved to Turkey where they would have a higher chance of survival. As long as the animals are in Aleppo, the only one who can care for them, and help them is Alaa. It would be great if we could all help him out too because the food for the bears and tigers cost at least €100 a day:

Subject zoo (NO Aleppo or Syria as subject please)
Bank Account - Iban: IT 49 P 07601 11400 001035 493376 - Bic: BPPIITRRXXX - Name: Il Gattaro d’Aleppo - Country: Italy
NOTE: some Banks do not allow you to use the account Il Gattaro d’Aleppo to transfer funds. PLEASE, if your Bank has difficulty with using this account, use the following one:
ALTERNATIVE Bank Account: Iban: IT 32 i 07601 05138 284479 884481 - Bic: BPPIITRRXXX – Name: Alessandra Abidin

By the way, Alaa was near the explosion on Saturday. He was distributing sweets to the children (the children died with the sweets still in their hands) and the cat-ambulance used by the sanctuary has been destroyed. There was food for tigers and bears and some dogs he is also helping to feed and the food had all burnt. Alhamdulillah, Alaa himself was not injured although he was mere metres away from where it happened. Only the keys to the ambulance remain... my heart was breaking when I found out about this.

Do support his efforts with sharing this information, prayers and donations if you can.

I’ll end this post with a message from Khaled Salama. We have a lot to learn about the meaning of humanity, loyalty and peace, love and hope from the Syrians.