Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Love Hurts

I cleaned micasa Saturday morning after two weekends away and after that, treated myself with retail therapy at KLCC. Indulged in a bit of mall-walking before hopping on the bus to Ampang where I tried out a massage here - bought a coupon (for a massage, a facial, a slimming programme (well, it’s included in the coupon) and a shower gel) back in December for a real bargain. Yea, I can be such a sucker for bargains. The massage offer comprised of a ten-minute back massage (where the masseuse kept saying she dared not apply too much pressure in case she broke my back bone. Huh?!) and a ten-minute session on a machine (didn’t quite catch the name) – a bit of a strange experience. There I was in my robe, hands on the side rails, standing on the machine with my feet apart and feeling myself being rocked by the machine with infrared lights beaming at various parts of my body. After a while, my tummy started to hurt and I felt myself bending over. A very strange experience I must say, but hey, if it could help lose some fat, why not?

I much prefer walking out than working out in the gym – I feel claustrophobic, uncomfortable and a tad intimidated by other gym-goers and besides I enjoy nature more. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to be able to drag myself out of bed on weekend mornings after a late night watching footie and if I do manage an early Sunday, it’s usually spent watching the footie round-ups. So in my quest to live a fitter and healthier life, I’ve made some investments in a skipping rope (not the ones we had back at school, mind you. This one is pretty sophisticated and is able to tell you how much calories you’ve burnt etc. And yes, skipping is a great way of getting fit), a gym ball (still not received yet) and an exercise mat. Now I can do my exercise in the comfort of my home, yes, even while watching TV!

My quest is to lead a healthier lifestyle so I won’t end like this

... but I don’t like gym so treadmill is out for me

Don’t ask me to do push-ups
... or sit-ups
The above are not impossible to attempt of course
But surely there are better, easier and more convenient ways to burn (more than two) calories?
I appreciate yoga has its benefits
And can help one relax (I just fear it may stress me out instead!)
But I don’t really have yoga ambitions (despite having invested in a book and a DVD)
I’m also too lazy to go out for walks, what more biking (oh the investment!)
And exercise doesn’t have to hurt (OK I know they say ‘no pain, no gain’ but still...!) or be viewed as a chore. Now, I can just do skipping and hey even hula hoop on my new exercise mat in the comfort of my home! *excited*
So it’s exercising and remembering my diet
And hopefully I will have a good body image soon! ;)

Self-love hurts: spending on yourself be it for beauty or fashion or even travel will hurt your wallet but hey, I don’t believe in depriving myself. If I die, someone else will inherit my hard-earned dough anyway so why not spend on myself while I’m still alive? After all, I’m very much worth every penny I earn and spend and more.


And yes, love can consume you and hold you a prisoner. Love can be both suffocating and liberating. Love can heal and yet can give such pain. What is love then? All of that and more. It can be bittersweet and it can hurt.

As what I’m feeling now. Any draw hurt and any defeat hurt me even more to the very heart and core of myself.

And now I’m feeling grumpy and moody. Like this love of mine. Be kind to me please.