What would you do if someone you know/care about is having problems? And by problems, I mean marital ones. Would you stand aside and watch and pray that he’d make the right decision? Would you step in and offer advice? Would you confront the root of the problem as you see it? Or would you just do nothing as you don’t believe you should interfere in other people’s affairs?
I am in that dilemma. I pray to God that this person I care about will take the step to address the problem once and for all. I can only see one way out and it’s one that a few other have suggested too. The dreaded word, divorce. For no one can see how the wife can change her ways. No amount of hints, advices, even sarcastic remarks and nagging will work. She’s just dim and dumb like that and oblivious to anything.
You probably think I only know one side of the story, his side. But if you see the situation, you’d take the same view too. Trust me. He loves and dotes on the children but he’s too stressed with her behaviour and the situation at home that he’s suffered chest pains a few times and even been hospitalised for it.
He doesn’t want to take that dreaded route though. Not for now, at least. There are the children to consider. But I think differently. I don’t think and don’t believe that a couple should stay married just for the sake of the children. To me, that is the worst thing they could do to the children – raise them in an environment where the parents don’t even care for or love each other. It may not be the most desired position to be in because everyone wants to play happy families but unfortunately it doesn’t always work out that way. To me, if one has exhausted all possible way to salvage the marriage and the situation still deteriorates instead of improving, then the dreaded word is an alternative to consider, even if it sounds dirty and diabolical. Or would you rather be miserable for the rest of your life just as long as other people’s disapproving tongues don’t wag or feelings are not hurt.
But what do I know, I’m not even married. But this much I know: I wouldn’t want to remain in a miserable marriage. I hope and pray for the best and that he will be guided to making the right decision.
Friday, November 30, 2007
D Word
11/30/2007 05:47:00 pm
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