My brother once made this remark to me when I was small: ‘Don’t be so thin; guys don’t go for skinny girls.’ I was probably eight then. Even if he had a point, that remark was a tad close to the bone. And besides, I’m not exactly a bag of bones or all skin and bones! I do have baby fat (oh yes, I do, unfortunately) and celluloid too.
This fact about me not having enough weight has somehow always been somewhat a bone of contention for some of my friends [and some of them are not even close enough to comment!], particularly if we have not met for some time. To be honest, I don’t understand why and I don’t see why they have a bone to pick with me regarding my weight. The more vocal ones sure make no bones talking about it (like there isn’t anything more interesting to talk about).
Look, sticks and stones may break my bones but this comment or prolonged discussion about my weight will not affect me. The truth is, I have always have problems gaining weight. It’s my metabolism. I’m happy with the way I am and as long as I’m healthy, I don’t want to be worried about how much I weigh. I don’t starve myself and if you see me eat, you’ll be surprised. I can eat like a champ, I can. I’m definitely not anorexic so please don’t worry about me. ‘Cause I’m not worried.
Besides, there are other thin, waifish people out there too. And I much prefer people to think that I remind them of Kate Moss (haha). I like the caption of the milk ad she once appeared in:‘Bones. Bones. Bones.
Maybe so, but unlike 75% of women today, there’s one way I’m taking good care of mine. By getting lots of calcium. How? From drinking lots of milk. 1% ice cold. And besides, haven’t you heard that the waif look is out?’
I don’t think I’m as thin as she is and I certainly won’t make it to the modelling world.
Even if I’m her clone. Or not.
Well, at least I’m not bone idle.
Adek celebrates the end of her fast today after fasting six days and then some. Alhamdulillah. She is really going to gorge up on food now and hopes to regain her weight. Just out of curiosity, does any one know if Appeton Weight Gain works?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Kate Moss Clone
10/23/2007 07:47:00 am
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