Friday, March 09, 2007

It's Tough To Be A Baby

This is Jordy who sang Dur dur d'être bébé (It’s Tough To Be A Baby) when he was 4.5 years old. He’s listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest singer ever to have a number 1 charted single.

… well, in my case, it’s tough being a ditsy [although I can be a big baby at times].

I believe I can do what most girls can do – multi-tasking. So I can be checking my email while munching on a chocolate bar and talking on the phone. Or I could be doing house-cleaning and planning the day ahead. And I suppose if I drive, I’d be fiddling with the CD player while reversing and nibbling on some munchies and checking my lipstick on the mirror.

So there I was yesterday with two pieces of work in front of me, talking on the phone with someone from another department and jotting down the points of the conversation. I wanted to call another person but the phone rang unanswered so I finished writing a note to BigBoss on another piece of work [A] and handed it over on my way out to the washroom.

Came back and frantically searched for the notes I had scribbled down. Only to realise... duh uh, I had actually scribbled the info I gathered for the other piece of work [B] down on A which I just handed over to my BigBoss.

I quickly made my way to his room to try retrieving my hastily written scribbles for B, copying it elsewhere and erasing my scribbles off A. But BigBoss had already seen A, and cleared it.

The poor man must be wondering and puzzling over my almost illegibly scribble [did I mention my handwriting is atrocious even when I attempt to write nicely? So you can imagine how bad it is when I try to write quickly].

Oh the headache I must have caused him!


Went out during lunch yesterday to run an errand and accompany my mate to buy some scarves. Ended up buying two myself - in exactly the same shades and colours and motives as my mate [one blue and the other green]. Well, it seems we share the same taste then. Anyway, she said she didn’t mind.

Showed them to a colleague later in the evening and only then realised, duh uh, but for the colour, the motives of the two scarves I just bought are the same, similar, identical.



I thought I was running late for my 3 pm meeting yesterday and so was rushing and practically running in my haste. It was originally scheduled for 4.30 pm and then the PA emailed to inform that it had been rescheduled to 3. Only to realise at five to 3 that while the meeting was indeed rescheduled to 3 pm, it is to take place today. Not yesterday. There was a change in both the time and date and I only noticed the change in time, not the date.

Duh uh!

And this morning, I had to photocopy some P&C documents for another colleague. Our photocopier was in need of a new toner so I popped over next door only to discover the photocopier there was faulty and couldn’t do double-sided printing. So I went down two flights of stairs to do my photocopying there.

Dropped by to chat with some mates and as we were in the midst of bantering, a colleague came up to me and said I left a letter at the photocopier. Duh uh!

And that’s not all... when I returned to my place, I realised that I had overlooked photocopying an addendum. Thankfully the photocopier here has been fixed or I’d have to go down two floors again.

Duh uh!


I think it’s about time I resign from the work force. A ditsy person should not be allowed to work. It should be illegal to hire ditsy people like me. I should just stay home and read and watch TV and nap and eat [not necessarily in that order]. That way, I do the least damage.

Or maybe I need a break from The Office. Pronto.