Thursday, February 15, 2007

... And Another New Year

is looming around the corner. I usually make a trip to Chinatown around this time to soak in the atmosphere, the hustle and bustle, the sights and sounds, and I’ll be happy to be there on my own, lost in the crowds.

When I go abroad, I don’t know why, but I usually try to check out the Chinatown. In London, Manchester, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, New York City... maybe after a while in a foreign place, I yearn for the temporary company of other Asians. Or maybe it’s to seek some Asian food after being subject to a diet of kebab or fish and chips or vegetarian/seafood pizza. Or maybe it’s to be able to walk in familiar and yet foreign surroundings and not stick out like a sore thumb.

I haven't yet managed a trip to Chinatown this year but I passed through BB on Sunday and my, there were many serious shoppers around!


Arsenal left it too late again yesterday evening GMT/this morning. Woke up at ten to 6 and was delighted to discover they were leading by a goal. My delight however changed into dismay when Adebayor’s shot hit the goal post and Bolton equalised in stoppage time. I didn’t watch the extra time as I didn’t want to risk being late and only found that Arsenal actually won when I reached The Office
. Read about it here.


It's been sooo hot these days. Thankfully it rained on Monday evening. What a relief. Can't wait to Escape the stifling heat of KL and head for somewhere cooler.

GONG XI FA CAI to all!