I returned to micasa after work on Friday and was not at all pleased to discover a ripped plastic bag with yellowish gooey stuff in my porch. I wasn’t feeling that well yet and was reluctant to tackle domestic chores but because of the mess created by the unsightly trash, I decided to roll my sleeves and clean the place, leaving the porch for last. When I tried to remove the plastic, I was surprised to discover that the gooey stuff actually had viscous quality, not unlike that of honey. But it wasn’t honey as I discovered seconds later, it smelled of paraffin or kerosene instead! I was just so mad - who would do such a malicious, spiteful thing as throwing a bag of paraffin into another’s compound anyway, what purpose did he/she expect to achieve and Why, Why, Why?! I tried in vain to wash and scrub it off but it didn’t quite work. I was so angry that I actually cursed the culprit, ‘I hope you enjoy rotting in hell later,’ under my breath.
Then later I discovered a plank of wood in my backyard, quite near the kitchen windows. It looked like it just got there. And so it was as I discovered the next morning ‘cause the grass beneath it was still green and not deprived of chlorophyll. The plank was about a foot long or so with nails protruding from each end. How could the plank have ended where it was? It surely couldn’t have moved on its own. So, someone must have flung it across or, worse, held it as he crossed over the fence as he made his way to my kitchen windows. But somehow the intruder’s progress was halted and he left that piece of evidence behind.
I’m beginning to wonder if some weirdos are trying to spook me off. One Ramadhan night in between prayers, I was sitting happily in front of the tube when I heard some noise in the backyard and upon inspection, I found an empty mineral water bottle suddenly taking residence there. What followed were my colourful hollered curses piercing and cutting through the sanctity of that Ramadhan night.
Yes, Adek can really curse like a sailor and swear like a trooper so you’d better not annoy me. And yes, I'm working on stopping vile language from escaping my mouth. So do your bit by not ruffling with this chic chick's feathers please.
Groan! It’s back to the grind for most people today [though I was back on Friday as mentioned earlier]. And the return of the working population means that it’s back to mad clogged roads and with that, mad impatient drivers honking incessantly and the air becoming polluted with exhaust fumes; people, people and people everywhere; and… the end of the festive sale. The last is a relief, really, honestly. I must really watch my spending. I’ve been spending quite a bit during Ramadhan and even though I’m a shopaholic, I can’t let it continue. Must absolutely stop, pronto. I hereby declare November a no-shopping month for me until I can say YES to Y.E.S. [Year End Sale].
Adek needs to exercise discipline and maintain a tight grip over her wallet. And she’s got her mate to help make sure she stays on the straight and narrow for the next month. *Sigh* Oh what an ordeal. I can already sense a few November Rain scenes [where despite the cry in my heart, I simply must say no to whatever that may catch my fancy]! Boohoo!
Footie footnote: Arsenal drew with bad-attitude Everton on Saturday. Hmmmph! If you can’t play exciting football and not man enough to try, then it’s just sheer cowardice to me. Check out the full report here. The other EPL ‘giants’, Chelsea, ManU(re) and Liverpool all won. Grrr...
Monday, October 30, 2006
10/30/2006 06:07:00 pm
Labels: RANTS
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