A year ago, this graffiti board was born. It started off as My Journey or something like that [honestly can't recall now!] until I Finally settled on Reflections. It started after I stumbled upon a blog by a glorier-than-thou lady – to be honest, the more I read, the less sure I am whether she really is what she claims to be or just a Wannabe; she writes good though, I’ll grant her that. And Abah has been suggesting and encouraging me to write about the places I’ve been to [he’s a good Malay writer but sadly none of us inherit his literary skills – I can't write to save my life and even had to enlist his help to help me with my BM essay back in form 5! Aye, fie on me *hangs head in shame*]. So I decided to start this blog, in an attempt to string words together and etch it on this graffiti online canvas, not only to record my trips to places, faraway or near, but also to record this confused and confusing brat’s personal journeys through life. Although my life Sure isn’t a Bed Of Roses!
I'm normally one of those who takes a while to adjust to fasting [my one-day fast 10 days before Ramadhan apparently wasn't enough!]. So give me another week or two before I warm up. All the Ramadhan Bazaars and stalls and arcades would have to wait ‘til then [not that I'm much of a buyer, more a browser!]. Besides these places normally do business in cash. [And I Sometimes live on credit. Err, don’t most of us?]
I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather for the past few days but nothing that can entitle me to MC, sad!. Been nursing an uncomfortable throat followed by a dry, tickly cough, a body that feels feverish at times [usually when I’m about to leave for work!] and now an occasional running nose. I’d like to think they are my Ramadhan tests. [Speaking of which, last Ramadhan, I woke up one morning to find markings of what I suspected was an insect bite on my left cheek. It later progressed to be a horrible-looking painful pimple which lasted for so long and left a mark on my already imperfect face. And I was subjected to teasings from my colleagues all that time. Oh oh oh.] So, be kind to me please.
Last night, I was coughing so badly in between my Quran reading that my tummy hurt. Or was it my ribcage? I don’t know; I know that I was doubling back in pain and suffocating, trying to gulp in air and clear my throat. I try to finish reading the Quran each Ramadhan and this year must/should not be different, dry tickly irritating cough or not. After all, Ramadhan comes only once a year.
TV time has been drastically reduced; can’t recall the last time I watch news. I still make time to watch My Girl though, the Korea drama fanatic that I am. So it’s break fast time in front of the idiot box until 7.30 pm; Quran reading sandwiched between Maghrib and Isya’ prayers; My Girl comes next; and Tarawikh prayers performed after all that.
I have managed to find a site that gives an episode guide to My Girl. Ah, clever me. *Clap clap clap* Thank You Sheryl.
It doesn’t help any that I have to do this presentation to GruffGaffer and a few other BigBosses next Friday. It’s actually originally scheduled for today. God, help me. I’d earlier planned to punctuate each slide with a cough to deflect/discourage questions. Or better still, end each sentence with a cough. Or perhaps alternate each slide with a cough and a sneeze. But maybe and hopefully my cough/cold/feverish state would have returned to normal by next week. Hmmm, what would you do? [Time to ask for audience participation].
Aye, starting to feel sorry for myself… you should too.
My mate and I recently exchanged these messages:
He: G has offered to arrange for break fast/iftar get together some time next week. Can tell her your preference, if any.
Me: I can’t go next week.
He: Why?
Me: I’ve got a date.
He: WOW.
[a minute later. I know he couldn't resist asking!]
He: Who with?
Me: Mr. Lee.
He: L**?
Me: Huh! He's HISTORY. And he's not the only guy with the surname Lee!
Lee Dong Wook.
He: Funny name he has :-)
Me: Well, he’s Korean.
He: Oh, your boyfriend whom you showed me yesterday?
Me: Yessssir.
Heh. Gotcha didn’t I? Well, at least I got him. Sheesh, some people can be so gullible.
Happy Blog Birthday Reflections. Here’s to more confused and confusing raves and rants and serious, thoughtful Reflections of course!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Happy Blog Birthday!
9/29/2006 02:32:00 pm
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