The weekend was spoilt early Saturday morning itself by a phonecall from a lady from TheOrganisation saying that I must be on standby [i.e. be prepared to go to the office during the weekend]. Now you know why I dislike taking calls at times. How she got hold of my number, I haven't the foggiest idea, but whoever gave it to her is next on my 'To Kill' list. Really, the last time I had to do this kind of stupid job was ages ago and I couldn't believe that I still have to do it now. And all because my staff to whom I had entrusted the reponsibility had conveniently caught a bus back to his hometown after work on Friday. I would have thought that since it's still outstanding, he'd at least have the sense to delay his trip back. Needless to say, the phone call left me feeling very angry, mad and outraged at the bugger. What the blazes!
The lady called later on Saturday afternoon, while I was catching my precious forty winks, asking me if I could kindly come to the office on Sunday morning. A nasty wake up call indeed. It's times like these when I wish I don't have any mobile phone. Convenience indeed! More like an inconvenience.
I was still seething when I left home for office on Sunday morning. To top my ire, my irresponsible staff didn't print some pages as he promised on Friday. Sunday Bloody Sunday indeed - admittedly nowhere as bloodily gory as U2 sings it [but could've been had I managed to murder some people] but still bloody annoying and irritating. As we ran out of some papers with a certain letterhead, I had to run down to the printer, nicked some, went up to the office again and resumed printing. Talk about a real dog's breakfast huh. I must have burnt thousands of calories in those hours.
Paid off my credit card after that and went to KLCC for a short therapy fix. Found that I had no mood to shop what with the school hols crowd and the seething anger I still felt. No amount of therapy could fix that.
Told the staff off this morning. Even then, he can't exactly undo my wasted weekend now, can he? And all the while, he was having fun with his family. And what about me? Why should my weekend be spoilt just because he lacks the foresight? Two weeks in a row I had been let down by males, leaving a very nasty taste in my mouth and making me wonder why I should even bother with them.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday Bloody Sunday
3/13/2006 10:00:00 am
Labels: RANTS
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