Friday, January 27, 2006

Saying NO to YES

How do you say N.O. to Y.E.S? Well, I have to, and believe me, it's hard saying NO [No Ongkos - Ongkos means money for those who don't know enough Indo lingo] to YES [Year-End Sale]. A sad situation for a shopaholic to be in, I kid you not.

YES started in early December and will last til end-January - fortunately or unfortunately. I was looking forward to some purchases from my hard-earned money but alas, it is not meant to be. I shall not bore you with the details of where my money will instead be chanelled into but suffice to say that I am very broke/tight with money/can't stretch my budget until February pay day [I hope]. So that's like another month to go [boo hoo!]. Being positive, I'd rather view these expenses as capital investment. Which they are really. And I'd rather not take a loan and have to bear the interest when I can still put up with a little suffering.

Now, I know it's not elegant, vulgar in fact, to talk about money. But really, even a shopaholic like me have to be careful with money [after all Adek studied accountancy and if she fails to budget for her expenses, then really, it's like a waste of education], especially since the chances of me landing a ultra-rich boyfriend is close to nil. So like it or not, I do have to save for my future. Mind you, I used to be a spendthrift pre-varsity days. The delights of the shopping complexes were too hard for me to resist even back then. Akak [my elder sister] used to comment, 'She always buys branded stuff.' Actually, I don't think that's wrong. If I derive satisfaction from my purchases, am happy with my little luxuries which I finance myself, don't break the law or rob a bank in getting them, then I don't think it's wrong. And while I'm on this topic, I don't buy fake designer goods. Buying a fake designer product just to impress people is not only 'riak' but also downright distasteful and disgusting. Personally, even brandless products are preferable to fake imitations. But I digress.

University days, well, I had to learn to control my finances. Thousands of miles away from home and dependent on scholarship, with the charms of mysterious, exotic Europe beckoning me, well, I decided I simply must go travelling, exploring England and Europe. That meant I had to juggle my budget between clothes [all those British brands! and shops!], CDs, movies and the less-interesting-but-necessary groceries while leaving a bit in my account for my trips. When Akak came visiting during my final year, she was astounded that I could actually go from one shop to another, from Boots to Superdrug to Wilko and back again, comparing prices. Not that I'm a miser, just wiser and more financial savvy with money. After all, why should one let another cheat him/her off his/her hard-earned money? That would simply be stupid. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.

Last check: still another 4 weeks of extreme financial discipline and exercising restraints on shopping temptations...

Oh, before I forget, Gong Xi Fa Cai to all. May the year ahead be prosperous for us all. And hey, I'm still eligible for ang pows...