Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pre-Malaysia Day Trip

 I decided I should travel somewhere during the Malaysia Day weekend and bought ETS train ticket to Ipoh. I was dithering if I should revisit Georgetown or go elsewhere and finally decided to visit Kuala Perlis; after all, I was a small kid the last time I was in Perlis. So I cancelled the Georgetown accommodation (I actually booked rooms at two places!) and confirmed the Kuala Perlis room.


After my physiotherapy session on the morning of Friday the 13th of September, I made my way to KL Sentral for my 12:00 noon train to Ipoh. Because it was the last day of school before school holidays, there were many people all waiting to board the 14:55 Komuter Utara train for Georgetown. I decided to perform prayers then instead of waiting until I arrived at Butterworth.


Well, the train was packed to the rafters. At first, I stood by the door and I could enjoy the breeze whenever the train stopped at the stations along the route. After a while, I decided to move in and it turned out to be a wise move as I managed to get a seat when passengers got down at some station. But my, the train ride was like being in a sauna. It was hot and humid and the opened windows didn’t help much. Things improved when we reached Bukit Mertajam where the bulk of passengers disembarked. I only realised I could’ve and should’ve just bought ticket to Bukit Mertajam instead of Butterworth then. Oh well.


We finally reached Arau station at close to Maghrib. For some reason, there was no Maxim car e-hailing service available in Perlis so I had to arrange for Grab. It took about 20 minutes to reach CSH Motel and the ride cost RM21. I had to wait for the motel owner to return from a shopping trip before I could check in. My room was at the second floor and near the stairs. After depositing my bag, I went out to get a bottle of mineral water and then had dinner at the restaurant next door. The motel does provide a water dispenser on the first floor. After dinner, I returned to my room and rested. It had been a long day of travelling. I had earlier messaged the motel owner asking if he could help find me a driver but he said it was difficult to find anyone among the locals. I then checked Grab but it would cost me over RM100 to go to Wang Keliang for one way trip (!).


I was woken up by heavy rains during the night which lasted into the morning. Just as I was able to leave and explore the town, it started raining again. I waited it out and finally left after 10:00. I walked to the waterfront and as I was nearing it, a group of men on big motorbikes came whizzing by and also stopped at the waterfront. I walked on until I rounded the corner where the jetty was and walked on to Tuanku Syed Putra Bridge. There were puddles from the rain so I took a detour and walked through a compound to get to the bridge. I was surprised at the crowd lining up the bridge and thought it must be because of school holidays. Well, it turned out there was a regatta which was part of Kuala Perlis Water Festival 2024. Last held in 2019, the water festival was to take place from 12 to 15 September. I wonder if the rains dampened the festival. In a way, it was a good thing I couldn’t find anyone to drive me to Wang Kelian as the dark clouds and rain meant there wasn’t much of a view to be enjoyed.

I crossed the bridge when I got to it (pun intended, heh!) to the other side then spent some time exploring the colourful villages before crossing the river back. The regatta was still ongoing then. I walked and had planned to have some laksa at Kak Su Laksa; however, there was a notice saying it would open at 14:00 instead of the usual 12:00 noon opening so I decided to have some meehoon soup utara first. Then I wandered slowly before heading for Kak Su Laksa. The restaurant was filled up within five minutes of opening so I told myself that the food must be good. Well, I must say I was disappointed. I didn’t think much of the laksa and I was appalled to find the warm laicikang I ordered was served in a plastic container. Obviously the owner had not heard of the health hazards of plastic. And how cheap can you get to serve drinks in plastic containers? One word: pathetic!


I walked back to my motel, it was only five minutes away and a good thing it was nearby because it started raining which quickly escalated into a torrential downpour. I rested and had a long nap. Dinner was had at the restaurant at the end of the building block.


I slept poorly on Saturday evening. It could be because of the long afternoon nap or it could be because the heavy rain during the night woke me up. I finally gave up trying to sleep and got up. Had a quick shower and performed prayers. I then tried to arrange for a Grab driver at 05:40 but there was no response. I tried again at 05:50. Still no response. I decided to perform morning prayers in my room after all (the plan was to perform Subuh prayers at Arau KTM station). Tried Grab again and one driver accepted but he was eleven minutes away and had to drop off a passenger. I checked Google Maps. It told me it’d take 18 minutes to get to Arau KTM station. And my train was at 06:39.


I went down and waited for the car. It arrived at 06:25 and as if the driver understood what was on my mind without me having to spell it out, drove like an F1 driver all the way. He clocked 120 km/hour and I was praying hard in the backseat and thankful that the tyres worked and had a good grip on the wet roads. We arrived at Arau KTM station at 06:37 - after only 12 minutes! – and I jumped out with my bag. Of course my carrier bag would chose to tear then so my water bottles fell out. I hurriedly picked them up and rushed up the two flight of stairs (I just couldn’t locate where the lift was anymore) and arrived at the concourse level huffing and panting, just in time to hear the announcement about the approaching train. I quickly scanned my electronic ticket and rushed into the opened lift (thank you, kind sir, for holding it for me!) and the train arrived just as we emerged from the lift. Talk about cutting it close! I thankfully boarded the train, it was a newer train and just like the ones in KL.


I got down and Bukit Mertajam this time and waited for my next train to Ipoh. It arrived about five minutes later than scheduled, an older train with seats facing each other, and we reached Ipoh at 11:15. I made my way out and walked to Dato’ Sagor Food Court and had mee kicap. I’d never had it before so was pleasantly surprised that it came with a bowl of yong tau foo-like curry. I returned to Ipoh station for my 12:05 train back to KL.

We reached KL Sentral at 14:39. Alhamdulillah.