Monday, October 14, 2024

Land Below The Wind


My nephew and a mate share the same birth date and I’ve always thought it’d be fun to have them meet each other. So this year I decided to make it a reality. I bought air tickets as early as March, six months before our departure date. Then in early April, I started booking hotel and resort. Still a long way away but we were going at the tail end of school holidays and looking back, I was glad I made the purchases and bookings when I did.


Friday, 20 September 2024


Finally the long-awaited day arrived. I met the kids (my nephew and two nieces) at the bag drop-off counter and we made our way inside. I had managed to get myself upgraded so I didn’t drop off my bag. We parted ways outside the prayer room and I continued on to the Golden Lounge. Alas, the bathroom was being upgraded so I had to go and use the washrooms outside and couldn’t have my shower.


I met the kids again at the gate after evening prayers. The flight was pretty full. We boarded and took off in no time. We landed around 22:35 and hiked across the airport from our gate to immigration. There was one or two other flights that landed around the same time or slightly before so there were a lot of people around. And oh yes, as mentioned previously, it was school hols too.


The bags took a while to emerge (this is why I try not to check in my bag if I can help it) and then we had to wait for the person with our rented car to arrive. There was a crowd at the door and had we known, we would’ve gone to another door but we didn’t know and besides, the driver would have to pass the gate we were at first. Having gotten custody of the car, my nephew drove us to Hyatt Regency Kinabalu. There were two other couples ahead of us so a late check-in wasn’t that odd. It had been a long day at work and then travelling but I only managed to sleep after 00:30.


Caturday, 21 September 2024


An early start because morning prayers are early in this part of Malaysia. I pumped iron then showered before going down for breakfast. We left at 09:00 and headed for Ranau. Oh my, the drive was challenging with road works, road diversions, bumpy road conditions in some stretches, drivers suddenly appearing from nowhere… we also had to endure being stuck behind a lorry or a bus a few times. Finally, after close to two hours, we arrived at Perkasa Hotel Mt Kinabalu. We stopped there and enjoyed a bird’s eye view of the surrounding area. It was breathtakingly beautiful. If only Mount Kinabalu wasn’t hiding behind some clouds then. In fact, we didn’t manage to sight it at all.


After having some banana fritters, we performed prayers at the hotel prayer room before driving off to find lunch. We were heading for H Benjamin Café when we saw the many cars at Restoran Selera Kebun so after driving a bit, reading the reviews and discussing among ourselves, we decided to turn and have lunch there instead. We had to park at some homestay and walk up. We ordered two set lunches and they didn’t disappoint at all. The only downside was the presence of flies everywhere.


After the satisfying lunch, we drove back to KK. Just like the drive heading out of the city, the drive into the city was challenging. We reached the hotel after 4 p.m. and rested.


My mate, Eskay, came to the hotel for dinner with her two kids, sister, brother and sister-in-law and treated us to dinner. Alhamdulillah for the rezeki. Much appreciated, Eskay!


Sunday, 22 September 2024


After breakfast, we walked to nearby Gaya Street to experience the Sunday morning market. There were many sellers selling pearl accessories, brooches and other accessories, plants, vegetables, coffee from Tenom, and other produce. After that, we went to the waterfront before returning to our rooms. It was only after 10 a.m. and already very hot.


We checked out at 11:20 and waited for the e-hailing vehicle to bring us to Jesselton Point. The check-in office location had slipped my mind so we had to turn back and then endure a long queue to check-in. In the end, we didn’t manage to check in there but boarded the boat with the other guests and completed our check-in at the resort. The boat ride took 15 minutes. After the welcoming drink and cold towel, we were shown to our rooms where beautiful towel decorations waited on the beds. We waited a bit for our bags then performed prayers before venturing out to the pool bar for lunch. I must say that the small tables were inadequate if you’re in a group and if you sit at the sofa with the bigger table, it’s awkward to eat too because of the distance to the table. The food took a while to arrive so much so I managed to climb the spiral stairs up to the library, browsed books and came back with a Lee Child book and visited the washroom too.


We went for a short walk after lunch then the kids wanted to go for a swim while I went back to the room to rest.


Dinner was had at Feast Village then we retired to our rooms.


Monday, 23 September 2024


After breakfast, the kids went for a long swim and I went back to my room and book. We were finally blessed with the sight of Mount Kinabalu in the morning although the clouds covered it up by lunchtime. I met up with the kids and we rode the boat to Tavajun Bay. We stopped first at the Marine Centre and learnt about the rescue, treatment and care of rehabilitated turtles. We then had lunch before my nephew and one niece who decided they still hadn’t had enough soaking went for another dip in the sea.


We boarded the boat back to the resort and the kids decided to do some kayaking. I headed back to my room. Was starting to feel under the weather and I didn’t eat much during dinner either. It must be the heat or some bug going around. Somehow finished the 510-page Lee Child book which I borrowed from the resort library before I turned in for the night at 22:45.


Tuesday, 24 September 2024


I had a brief rest after morning prayers before getting up to finish packing. Went for breakfast – still lacking appetite -  and took paracetamol after my meal. We took the 11:00 boat and arrived at Jesselton Point at 11:20 (the boat left later than scheduled). We even went to get our bags instead of waiting for the porter to unload them and the Grab car arrived just as we walked out of the ferry terminal. We reached the airport at 11:45 and rushed to drop off our bags then went in to clear security and immigration. Well, it turned out that the MAS flight from KL was late so I even managed to perform prayers before boarding.


Despite departing later, we landed at KLIA at about 15:10 and this time, my bag came out early. So much so I managed to catch the 15:22 KLIA Transit train.


Alhamdulillah, everything went well and smoothly and I managed to fulfil my dream of bringing my nephew to meet my mate.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pre-Malaysia Day Trip

 I decided I should travel somewhere during the Malaysia Day weekend and bought ETS train ticket to Ipoh. I was dithering if I should revisit Georgetown or go elsewhere and finally decided to visit Kuala Perlis; after all, I was a small kid the last time I was in Perlis. So I cancelled the Georgetown accommodation (I actually booked rooms at two places!) and confirmed the Kuala Perlis room.


After my physiotherapy session on the morning of Friday the 13th of September, I made my way to KL Sentral for my 12:00 noon train to Ipoh. Because it was the last day of school before school holidays, there were many people all waiting to board the 14:55 Komuter Utara train for Georgetown. I decided to perform prayers then instead of waiting until I arrived at Butterworth.


Well, the train was packed to the rafters. At first, I stood by the door and I could enjoy the breeze whenever the train stopped at the stations along the route. After a while, I decided to move in and it turned out to be a wise move as I managed to get a seat when passengers got down at some station. But my, the train ride was like being in a sauna. It was hot and humid and the opened windows didn’t help much. Things improved when we reached Bukit Mertajam where the bulk of passengers disembarked. I only realised I could’ve and should’ve just bought ticket to Bukit Mertajam instead of Butterworth then. Oh well.


We finally reached Arau station at close to Maghrib. For some reason, there was no Maxim car e-hailing service available in Perlis so I had to arrange for Grab. It took about 20 minutes to reach CSH Motel and the ride cost RM21. I had to wait for the motel owner to return from a shopping trip before I could check in. My room was at the second floor and near the stairs. After depositing my bag, I went out to get a bottle of mineral water and then had dinner at the restaurant next door. The motel does provide a water dispenser on the first floor. After dinner, I returned to my room and rested. It had been a long day of travelling. I had earlier messaged the motel owner asking if he could help find me a driver but he said it was difficult to find anyone among the locals. I then checked Grab but it would cost me over RM100 to go to Wang Keliang for one way trip (!).


I was woken up by heavy rains during the night which lasted into the morning. Just as I was able to leave and explore the town, it started raining again. I waited it out and finally left after 10:00. I walked to the waterfront and as I was nearing it, a group of men on big motorbikes came whizzing by and also stopped at the waterfront. I walked on until I rounded the corner where the jetty was and walked on to Tuanku Syed Putra Bridge. There were puddles from the rain so I took a detour and walked through a compound to get to the bridge. I was surprised at the crowd lining up the bridge and thought it must be because of school holidays. Well, it turned out there was a regatta which was part of Kuala Perlis Water Festival 2024. Last held in 2019, the water festival was to take place from 12 to 15 September. I wonder if the rains dampened the festival. In a way, it was a good thing I couldn’t find anyone to drive me to Wang Kelian as the dark clouds and rain meant there wasn’t much of a view to be enjoyed.

I crossed the bridge when I got to it (pun intended, heh!) to the other side then spent some time exploring the colourful villages before crossing the river back. The regatta was still ongoing then. I walked and had planned to have some laksa at Kak Su Laksa; however, there was a notice saying it would open at 14:00 instead of the usual 12:00 noon opening so I decided to have some meehoon soup utara first. Then I wandered slowly before heading for Kak Su Laksa. The restaurant was filled up within five minutes of opening so I told myself that the food must be good. Well, I must say I was disappointed. I didn’t think much of the laksa and I was appalled to find the warm laicikang I ordered was served in a plastic container. Obviously the owner had not heard of the health hazards of plastic. And how cheap can you get to serve drinks in plastic containers? One word: pathetic!


I walked back to my motel, it was only five minutes away and a good thing it was nearby because it started raining which quickly escalated into a torrential downpour. I rested and had a long nap. Dinner was had at the restaurant at the end of the building block.


I slept poorly on Saturday evening. It could be because of the long afternoon nap or it could be because the heavy rain during the night woke me up. I finally gave up trying to sleep and got up. Had a quick shower and performed prayers. I then tried to arrange for a Grab driver at 05:40 but there was no response. I tried again at 05:50. Still no response. I decided to perform morning prayers in my room after all (the plan was to perform Subuh prayers at Arau KTM station). Tried Grab again and one driver accepted but he was eleven minutes away and had to drop off a passenger. I checked Google Maps. It told me it’d take 18 minutes to get to Arau KTM station. And my train was at 06:39.


I went down and waited for the car. It arrived at 06:25 and as if the driver understood what was on my mind without me having to spell it out, drove like an F1 driver all the way. He clocked 120 km/hour and I was praying hard in the backseat and thankful that the tyres worked and had a good grip on the wet roads. We arrived at Arau KTM station at 06:37 - after only 12 minutes! – and I jumped out with my bag. Of course my carrier bag would chose to tear then so my water bottles fell out. I hurriedly picked them up and rushed up the two flight of stairs (I just couldn’t locate where the lift was anymore) and arrived at the concourse level huffing and panting, just in time to hear the announcement about the approaching train. I quickly scanned my electronic ticket and rushed into the opened lift (thank you, kind sir, for holding it for me!) and the train arrived just as we emerged from the lift. Talk about cutting it close! I thankfully boarded the train, it was a newer train and just like the ones in KL.


I got down and Bukit Mertajam this time and waited for my next train to Ipoh. It arrived about five minutes later than scheduled, an older train with seats facing each other, and we reached Ipoh at 11:15. I made my way out and walked to Dato’ Sagor Food Court and had mee kicap. I’d never had it before so was pleasantly surprised that it came with a bowl of yong tau foo-like curry. I returned to Ipoh station for my 12:05 train back to KL.

We reached KL Sentral at 14:39. Alhamdulillah.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Trip To The Equator Riverside City

I had made plans to be away during my birthday as early as mid-January. Then the surgery took place but I still asked my doctor hopefully if I could travel (barely a week after the surgery). He said that I could, as long as I exercised necessary caution. Sought second opinion from my therapist and she said it shouldn’t be a problem either so I rushed back from therapy and scrambled to check in for my flight, search for and rebook hotels as I’d cancelled the hotels booked earlier, pack and get ready.


I flew out to Kuching on the late afternoon of 4 July. From the airport, I took Maxim car to Kuching Sentral to find ticket to Pontianak for the following morning. I finally called a bus company and he said there were some seats on the morning bus but that I must come early to pay for the ticket. I then walked to Kuching Transit Inn to spend the night. It was the nearest inn I could find to Kuching Sentral. Well, it wasn’t great but somewhere I could rest. I could hear the next door guests and after a while, a noise that continued until I realised it was rain.


I woke up early on Friday for prayers and packed. It was raining and I walked out in the rain to Kuching Sentral. Alhamdulillah, I packed my brolly for the trip. After queuing up and paying for my ticket (the man I talked to the previous evening told me I could pay online but counter lady said no so I had to find an ATM to withdraw money. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t dig out moure cash to bring.


The bus finally left at almost 10:00 and we stopped at a supermarket for passengers to use the facilities or do last-minute shopping or purchase snacks for the trip. The rain still poured. We continued after thirty minutes until we reached the border at Tebedu where we had to get all our bags and go through passport control and immigration, cross over to the Indonesian side and go through passport control again.


We continued our journey and stopped en route at a restaurant for lunch. I thought the price was a bit steep but the owner could get away with it as it seemed to be the only eatery around and most, if not all, bus operators stop there.


We resumed our journey and finally reached Terminal ALBN (Antar Lintas Batas Negara). There’s WiFi at the terminal but passengers cannot arrange for e-hailing car to pick them up. I had to ride a cab to Garuda Hotel. It took about 25 minutes in the after-office peak traffic to reach the hotel. I checked in and performed prayers. I ventured out after dark to Ayani Megamall to find dinner. The mall is across a busy road and I had to walk further to use an overhead pedestrian bridge to cross over. I spent about an hour there before turning back.


I slept badly that night, no thanks to the traffic noise outside the window.


I woke up on Saturday, 6 July, for prayers then lingered before going for breakfast. After breakfast, I walked to the riverfront. I had thought of taking the ferry across but it looked like it was a vehicle ferry and I didn’t feel like asking. I had initially planned to visit the Equatorial Monument but changed my mind that it doesn’t lie on the Equator but 117 metres off. Plus it looked like it was going to rain so I turned and walked back to the hotel. I went to the hotel rooftop for a bird’s eyeview of the surrounding area before returning to the room. I checked out after noon prayers. After depositing my bag at the left luggage, I went to find lunch. I then sat in the lobby and read. It rained shortly after and I was glad that I was safe and dry in the hotel lobby.



I sat reading and occasionally swatting mosquitoes away. There was a small mixed prayer room for hotel staff and guests (? It looked a bit horrible for guests) hidden away so after freshening up and changing clothes, I performed prayers.


The Maxim car I had arranged arrived early, driver said to avoid the traffic jam. So we left before 21:00 and arrived at Terminal ALBN 25 minutes later. My bus (I purchased the ticket online from another bus company) was leaving at 23:00 and we left on time. In contrast to the trip over, the bus was empty. I moved seats to get comfortable but couldn’t sleep, surprise, surprise.


To my surprise, we stopped at the same restaurant just before 03:00. And I was even more surprised to find people actually eating - and rice at that - at that hour.


We finally resumed our journey and arrived at Pos Lintas Batas Negara (PLBFN) Entikong before 05:00. I heard the call for morning prayers and went to find the mosque to perform prayers. it was drizzling. After that, we waited in the bus before we were told to bring our bags and queue at the gate. I didn’t know borders actually closed. The Azerbaijan-Georgia, UAE-Oman borders for instance didn’t close when we crossed in the middle of the night.


We stood waiting in the drizzle and the gate finally opened at 07:00 Indonesian time. There was a stampede as we rushed towards the passport control building where we joined yet another queue. Another bout of standing ensued. And of course, the kiosk I queued for opened much later. Having had my passport stamped, I crossed over to the Malaysian side and repeated the process. No queue this time!


When all passengers had boarded, we continued our journey to Kuching Sentral and finally reached it at 11:40 (!), 12+ hours after we left. I walked over to Kuching Transit Inn to meet SAK who’d parked there. We went for lunch and then she dropped me off at Marco Polo Guest House in Padungan. After checking in, I walked to the city centre and returned after buying dinner. it’s hard to find halal food in Padungan.

Gula apong ice cream
Guest house resident cats


On Monday, 8 July 2024, I woke up early and went for a walk. I came back after 45 minutes, freshened up and finished packing. I left shortly after breakfast for my flight back to KL.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Careless Whimper

I mentioned previously that I had a fall when I was in Turkistan and when I came back and following advice from the in-house doctor, I went to the Emergency Department of Gleneagles Hospital and did an X-ray. I was informed that I had actually broken my wrist and that the bone was healing but that I should return in a fortnight and see a hand doctor. So I reluctantly rang Gleneagles and asked the person who took my call if he could help schedule an appointment for me with any hand doctor who was available on the following Friday morning. Alhamdulillah, he managed to accommodate my request. When I met the doctor, he told me that while my bone had healed, it was malunion i.e., not set in properly. He asked me to come and do a CT scan which I did the following Thursday. The CT scan showed the fracture was worse than is shown on X-ray and even my usual therapist who at first said it might be cured by physiotherapy instead of surgery said the injury looked serious from the CT scan so I quickly messaged the hand clinic informing I’d do the surgery and even messaged the doctor the same.


The clinic came back with surgery date and I took it as a sign that Allah meant me to have the surgery. It was rescheduled to two days later (28 June) as the doctor was not well and I even included his health in my prayers. The day came and my nephew came to send me to the hospital. I had to start fasting from 09:00. After a bit of a wait and processing at Admissions, I was brought to my room. I was dismayed to find I had to share the room but was informed that the wards were full. At first I thought of doing the surgery when my sister was back from Haj but then decided not to delay as it would mean my recovery time would also be deferred.


After unpacking, I sat down to rest. One nurse came to give me anti-nausea and gastritis pills. I then performed prayers and ablutions again. The nurses came to give me a hospital gown and a pair of disposable knickers. I had to remove my watches and jewellery (I didn’t know this!) and was wheeled out just before 15:30 to the anaesthetic department. It was noisy there and yet somehow I dozed off on and off. Finally, they wheeled me into the operating theatre. They transferred me from the hospital bed onto the surgery bed or whatever it’s called. The staff then searched for a vein and the anaesthetist then put me to sleep. Just before I lost consciousness, I looked at the wall clock right in front of me and saw it was 16:00.


I fell into a dreamless sleep and next thing I knew, I heard someone calling out my name a few times before I opened my eyes. It was 20:00 then. I was wheeled out at 20:40 back to my room. I was feeling groggy and weak and later in the night had help to drink a few sips of water. The inconsiderate next-bed neighbour had her TV turned on throughout the night but thankfully I was out of it.


A nurse came just before 05:00 the following morning and helped me up. I held on to her as we walked to the bathroom where I changed clothes as there was blood on my gown. After cleaning myself, I went back to bed and performed prayers before dozing off again. I rested the whole day and managed to walk up to level 5 for X-ray. The anaesthetist came for a quick visit then my doctor came too. I was happy to find I had a good appetite throughout my stay haha.


The doctor came again on Sunday and he waited while I performed prayers. He looked at the stitches and told me to do some exercise. I had to wait for him to write up my discharge note. I then went to the payment area at Block A, met my niece there, back to my ward and then back again to the pharmacy at the Emergency Department for my medication. I was given fourteen days’ medical leave (which was then extended as the doctor wasn’t happy with my progress). Upon doctor’s insistence, I decided to go for physiotherapy at the hospital. Strangely enough, the pain actually intensified after the physiotherapy and I keep getting up just before 03:00. Once I even slept talk and cried myself awake from the pain.


I’m still thankful that it happened to my left wrist and not my right, that it happened to my wrist and not my legs or hips, that I could still function and perform light household chores with one good hand, and that I could manage on my own post-surgery.

So there you go, my story of a careless moment that now has me whimpering every now and then. Like a mate said, it’s all preordained and already written. We just have to look at the positive aspects, learn from it, and find the strength and courage to endure the test.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Gorging In Georgetown

I have been wanting to meet up with an old mate but when the last plan didn’t go through, I quickly browsed buses to Butterworth (Penang Sentral) and after buying the bus ticket, I proceeded to buy the ETS ticket from Ipoh to KL Sentral (for RM41.00; Butterworth to KL Sentral would cost RM88.00!). I’d only found out about Komuter Utara and could only buy the ticket from Butterworth to Ipoh on the day of travel and not in advance. And I also booked a room at Sunshine House in Georgetown. I could’ve stayed at Berjaya Penang Hotel but it’s in Pulau Tikus.


Friday, 31 May 2024


I made my way from micasa to Hentian Duta but it rained torrentially on the way. I finally made it to Hentian Duta and waited for the 23:59 Quick Liner Express bus. It showed up 15 minutes later than scheduled and I quickly stored my bag in the bus luggage area and made my way to my seat.


Saturday, 1 June 2024


Of course I could barely sleep during the trip but I kept my eyes closed throughout the journey. Good thing I realised when we stopped outside Penang Sentral. I got up, went down and retrieved my bag and walked into the building. It was barely 04:30 then. I sat and waited until it was almost time for morning prayers before making my way to the prayer room.


After prayers, I walked to the ferry terminal. The ticket cost RM2 and counter accepted non-cash payment only. We boarded about five minutes before departure and settled down quickly. The ferry left on time and we reached the island jetty shortly after. We had to wait for the motor passengers to bike off first before we were let through. The ground looked wet, it had obviously rained too overnight on the island.


I walked to Sunshine House and was there about fifteen minutes later. After leaving my bag, I headed for the market at Jalan Kuala Kangsar for breakfast. I had my usual vegetarian wan ton noodle soup before checking out the market. I then walked to Aimi Lim Halal Hokkien Mee at the corner of Jalan Transfer and Jalan Argyll for a bowl of prawn noodles. The place was packed  and I managed to get a table after some customers left shortly after I arrived, and two others joined me. After that, I walked to get the CAT bus to Komtar bus terminal.


I wandered around and then spent time (and even shopped!) at 1st Avenue Mall before walking to Left-handed Char Kuay Teow for early lunch. I had curry noodles and bought char kuay teow to go.


After lunch, I made my way to Sunshine House to check in. After performing prayers, I had a nap to make up for the sleepless night. I spent the rest of the day and evening indoors.


Sunday, 2 June 2024


I woke up early for shower and prayers. I also bought my ticket for the Komuter Utara, it only cost RM12.80. I left at 07:30 (someone’s phone alarm was ringing non-stop for 45 minutes before I left and made me wonder if I should knock on the door) and walked to the jetty for the 08:00 ferry. The stalls leading to the ferry terminal were closed and I was hoping to buy some breakfast there. We left on time but had to wait for the ferry from the 08:30 to depart mainland before we could dock in the berth. I hurried out of the terminal and walked out of Penang Sentral to find breakfast. Alhamdulillah, managed to get nasi lemak and some local dessert from a stall before I headed back for the KTM station. I needed to catch the 09:10 train to Ipoh. Miss that and I’d have to take the 12:10 train. Plus I already bought the 12:02 ETS ticket back to KL Sentral.


We boarded the train about ten minutes before departure. It being school holidays, the train quickly filled up as we stopped at stations along the way. The train slowed down as it passed Bukit Merah lakes and it was beautiful. The train stopped midway at some point for about ten minutes. As a result, we only arrived in Ipoh at 11:25. I made my way out of the station as quickly as I could (only two or three turnstiles working!) and walked to Dato’ Sagor food court but left without buying anything. I returned to the station and joined the queue to board the ETS.


I read all the way back. I even performed prayers in the prayer room as it was very near my seat. We reached KL Sentral at 14:35, five minutes ahead of schedule. Alhamdulillah.

So that’s my annual trip to Georgetown done with for 2024.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Spring Vacation: Part IV

Wednesday, 8 May 2024


The bus was already full when I came out of the airport at 00:35. It took about 22 minutes to reach Bologna Centrale and I quickly made my way to the bus station. I went to the waiting room, not many seats were provided but I managed to get one and tried to sleep but of course I couldn’t.


My 04:05 Flix Bus left more or less on time and as soon as I boarded, I went to the WC to perform ablutions and perform morning prayers. We reached Milan Lampugnano just before 07:00 and I waited in the waiting room for my next Flix Bus. It came later than scheduled and the driver carefully checked our ticket against our identification documents before we were allowed to load our bags and board the bus. We left around 09:00 and headed north, passing Lake Como, Mendrisio, stopping at Lugano to drop off passengers… and the view was fantastic throughout. The sun hid itself after we had entered Switzerland though. We then had a thirty-minute break at Chur before continuing on.

Lago di Como


We crossed over into Liechtenstein and I went down at Vaduz Rheinpark Stadion. This is not an easy country to get to hence why I only reached it then. I then walked into the city and walked around the compact capital. There were a lot of Chinese tourists around. After a couple of hours, I made my way to Jugendherberge Schaan-Vaduz, a youth hostel (but many guests are not exactly young! There were also motorbikers staying at the hostel). Check-in started only at 17:00 hence why I didn’t go to the hostel earlier.


I checked in and having paid for my bed beforehand as I didn’t want to bring too much CHF on the trip, paid CHF1.50 city tax before going to my room. Oh, and the amount I paid for my bed in a dorm could get me a decent hotel room in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. I only found out that I had mistakenly booked a mixed dorm and went down to change rooms, this after having made my bed and putting on the duvet and pillow cases! Luckily there was another vacant bed in a female dorm so I quickly moved my things. Having done that, I went for a short walk before returning to the hostel to rest. There was a German girl who was on a solo bike tour and a Moroccan girl from Rabat University staying in the same dorm.


Thursday, 9 May 2024


I woke up for morning prayers and tried to sleep again. The German girl woke up and she sure wasn’t quiet! I couldn’t help wondering if that explained why she was on a solo bike tour, because no one could stand her noise. I mean, you’re staying in a dorm so try to keep your noise low. I wasn’t asleep but I was annoyed. Finally I got up and checked my social media.


I freshened up, finished packing and went down for breakfast. At least the hostel provided breakfast and as it would be another day of travelling, I ate my fill. After breakfast, I went to the basement to store my bag before setting off to explore Schaan. Today was better, the sun was out. It was a public holiday today so as the day progressed, I saw a lot of families biking together. A lot of shops were also closed except for two supermarkets and one coffee shop.

I came back at 12:30 and rested. I collected my suitcase and then performed ablutions. I left after performing prayers and walked to the bus stop for the free bus no. 44 to the city. It was five minutes late but I was thankful that I didn’t have to walk to Vaduz. I still had to walk to Rheinpark Stadion though. The bus arrived on time and what do you know, it’s the same driver as yesterday! He must be on his return trip. We stopped at Chur again for thirty minutes before continuing on to Milan Lampugnano. We reached Milan Lampugnano just before 20:00 and I sat down to wait for my 22:50 bus to Saronno.

Goodbye, Liechtenstein!


I decided to go to the platform at 22:40 and the bus was already there! We left before ETD and arrived at Saronno station around 23:00. I then walked to the nearby train station for the Milan Malpensa train. I had bought ticket for a later train but ticket holders could board earlier trains. No one came to check the tickets though. We reached Milan Malpensa T1 and I made my way to the airport and up to the departure level. I spent some time scouting before settling down for the night.


Friday, 10 May 2024


Well, of course I could hardly sleep with all the noise and bright lights. Sigh. Finally got up at 04:00 to perform prayers then walked over to the seats near where Qatar Airway counters were and sat down. After freshening up, I went to check in. I then had some pastries and buns that I bought at Milan Lampugnano bus station café before going in to clear security and passport control. The officer said I could have water in my water bottle (and I had drank quite a bit by then too). After passport control, I went to browse the shops and my, there are Loro Piana, Hermès, Gucci, Venchi, Furla…

Crazy Italians at Milan Malpensa!


After browsing, I made my way to the gate and pretty soon, we were boarding. Strange thing was there wasn’t any more security check before boarding.


We landed at Doha Airport on time but the doors took a while to open and we had to board a bus to the terminal building. I performed prayers before walking to my gate and was happy to note there was another female prayer room across from my gate. Browsed the nearby shops (it was a new area of the airport for me) before heading for the prayer room. There was some problem with the plane so we boarded and finally took off about half an hour later than scheduled.


Saturday, 11 May 2024


I managed some kip before getting up just as the plane was flying over the Andaman to perform morning prayers. We landed earlier than scheduled, how about that, but my bag came out too late for me to make the 08:22 train. Le sigh.

So that was my spring vacation, my revenge travel, my first long holiday after the pandemic and after dad left us.